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- *Brochure Numbers are
in green
- Hugos Applegate Trail General Land Office (GLO)
- Surveyed Points Of Interest (POI)
Regional Applegate Trail Brochures
1 - Hugo's Applegate Trail GLO
2 - Hugo's Applegate Trail
Jacksonville Road GLO POIs
3 - Hugo's Applegate Trail
Illinois Valley Road GLO POIs
4A - Hugo's Applegate Trail Houses
4B - Applegate Trail's Open
Valleys & Wagon Routes In Hugo Region: 1846 - 1855
4C - Geotrailing Applegate Trail In Hugo
4D - Applegate Trail Public Road Crossings
Interpretive Signing in Hugo
4E - Oregon General Land Office Surveyors:
4F - Applegate Trail Evolves Out of
the Mud After 1855 - 1856
4G - Serpentinite or
Peridotite Derived Soils Along the Trail
4H - Applegate Trail/Road Emigrant
Year Definition: 1846 - 1883
4I - Applegate Trail Location
Definitions: 1846 - 1920
GLO Surveyed Points Along The Jacksonville
Road of the Applegate Trail to POIs Along The Jacksonville Road of the Applegate Trail
- 5A - Louse Creek
Prairie JA-1A
- 5B - Linear Tree Patterns At
Louse Creek Prairie JA-1B
- 6A - Soldier Creek JA-2A
- 6B - ½
Mile of JR Of Applegate Trail On 1939 & 1959 Aerial Photos JA-2B
- 7 - Louse Creek Saddle
- 8 - Harris Road
1 (Rest Area) JA-4A
- 9 - Harris Road 2
(Harris Creek) JA-5A
- 10 - Harris Road 3 (Pond)
- 10B - Harris Road 3
(Pond) JA-6A OCTA
- 11 - Harris Road 4
(Office) JA-7A
- Wagon Train Camp At Schoolhouse Creek:
October 19, 1847 JA-7B
- 12 - Schoolhouse Ridge JA-8A
- 13A - Pleasant Valley JA-9A
- Jumpoff Joe Creek Ford: 1855 JA-9B
- 13B - Silvestri Property JA-9C
- 14A - Monument Drive JA-10A
- Monument Drive
- 14B - JR Of Applegate Trail:
Niday DLC Survey JA-10B
- JR Of Applegate
Trail: Niday DLC Survey JA-10B OCTA
- Niday DLC Survey JA-10B & Its Linear
Vegetation Line JA-10BA
- 14C - JR Of Applegate Trail:
Niday DLC Survey JA-10C
- 14D - JR Of Applegate Trail:
Niday DLC Survey JA-10D
- JR Of Applegate Trail: Niday DLC Survey JA-10D OCTA
- 15A - Niday Road South JA-11A
- 15B - Boyce Property JA-11B
- 16A - Niday Road North JA-12A
- 16B - JR Of Applegate
Trail: Niday DLC Survey JA-12B
- 16C - JR Of Applegate
Trail: Garbers Pass Route? JA-12C
- 17A - Penny Ridge JA-13A
- 17B - Old Heller Road of Applegate
Trail: Penny Ridge JA-13B
- 17C - Applegate Trail: Boldway Property
- 17DA - Applegate Trail: White Property
- 17DB - Whites Place & Applegate
Trail JA-13E
- 18A - Maple Creek JA-14A
- 18B - Applegate Trail: Mt.
Sexton Pass JA-14B
- 18C - JR Of Applegate Trail:
1853 Military Road At Mt. Sexton Pass JA-14C
- 18D - JR Of Applegate Trail: 1864 Collins Telegraph Line At Mt. Sexton Pass JA-14D
- 18E - JR
Of Applegate Trail: 1886 - 1887 Postal Telegraph Line At Mt. Sexton Pass JA-14E
- 18F - JR Of
Applegate Trail: 1941 At Mt. Sexton Pass JA-14F
- 18G - JR Of Applegate Trail: 2005 Metal Detection Survey At Mt. Sexton Pass JA-14G
- 18H - JR Of Applegate Trail: 2010
Big Tree At Mt. Sexton Pass JA-14H
- 18I - JR Of Applegate Trail:
Topography & Grade At Mt. Sexton Pass JA-14I
- 18J - JR Of Applegate Trail: 2010
Chain At Mt. Sexton Pass JA-14J
- 18K - JR Of Applegate
Trail: OCTA Trail Classification For Mt. Sexton Pass 310' Trail Segment JA-14K
- 18L - 1940 Right-of-Way Map, South
Sexton Pass Trail, & Pacific Highway JA-15L
- OCTA Trail Classification At Mt. Sexton Pass Trail Segment
- 19A - South Rat Creek JA-15A
- 19B - 1,060' Segment of "Applegate Trail I (ATI) For North Sexton Pass
I-5 East" (JA-15B)
- 19C - 1,300' Segment of "Applegate Trail II (ATII) For North
Sexton Pass I-5 East" (JA-15C)
- 19D - 1,853' Segment of "Applegate Trail III (ATIII) For North
Sexton Pass I-5 East" (JA-15D)
- 19E - Post At Wagon Road North Sexton Pass I-5 East (JA-15E)
- 19F - Culvert At "Applegate Trail III (ATIII) For North Sexton
Pass I-5 East" (JA-15F)
- 19G - 1940 Right-of-Way Map, Sexton Mt. Section, Pacific Highway (JA-15G)
- 19H - Location Of Applegate Trail in Upper Rat Creek (JA-15H)
- 19I - 1874 County Road Survey In Rat Creek (JA-15I)
- 19J - Telegraph Lines & Applegate Trail At Smith Hill Pass
Paper: 2012 (JA-15J}
- 19K - Anchor Rod & Postal Telegraph Pole At 1,060' Segment Of Trail
- 20A - Old Stage Road JA-16A
- 20B - Martha Leland Crowley Died In Rat Creek: October 18, 1846 (JA-16B)
- 20C - Wagon Train
Camp At Rat Creek: October 18, 1846 (JA-16C)
- 20D - 1874 County Survey In Rat Creek (JA-16D)
- 20E - McMichael's House/Light Homestead House (JA-16E)
- 21A - JR Of
Applegate Trail: Grave Creek Road (JA-17A) - Diaries
- 21B - JR Of Applegate
Trail: Grave Creek Road (JA-17B) - GLO Surveys
- 21BA - JR
Of Applegate Trail: Grave Creek Road (JA-17BA) - GLO Surveys
- 21C - JR Of Applegate
Trail: Twogood DLC Survey (JA-17C)
- 21D - JR Of
Applegate Trail: Twogood DLC Survey (JA-17D)
- 21E - Wagon
Train Camp At Grave Creek: October 19, 1846 (JA-17E)
- 21F - Martha Leland
Crowley Grave: October 19, 1846 (JA-17F)
- 21G - Grave Creek Ford: 1846 - 1855 (JA-17G)
- 21H - Grave Creek Bridge: ca., 1881 - 1890 (JA-17H)
- 21I - Grave Creek Bridge: 1920 - 2012 (JA-17I)
- 21J - JR Of
Applegate Trail: Grave Creek Road Evolved: ca., 1881 - 1890 (JA-17J)
- 21K - Property Owner Artifacts Found Near Applegate Trail Site
"Grave Creek Road JA-17B" (JA-17K)
- 22 - Salmon Creek JA-18A
GLO Surveyed Points Along The Illinois Valley
Road of the Applegate Trail to POIs Along The Illinois Valley Road of the Applegate Trail
- 21E - Rogue
River Vannoy Ferry Crossing IV-N1A
- Rogue River Vannoy Ferry Crossing IV-N1B
- 21F - Vannoy Farm IV-N2A
- 21G - North
Lindsey Applegate Prairie IV-N3A/IV-N3B
- 21H - Fort Vannoy School
- 21I - Vannoy Creek IV-N5A
- 21J - Upper Vannoy Creek IV-N6A
- 21K - Vannoy-Louse Creek Divide IV-N7A
- 21L - Dumps IV-N8A
- 22 - Railroad
Bluff Break IV-00A
- 23 - Louse Creek Park
- IV Road Of Applegate Trail: Between IV-01B
- 24 - IV Road Of
Applegate Trail: Haines Apple Tree IV-2A
- 25A - Jumpoff Joe
Creek 1 IV-3A
- 25B - IV
Road Of Applegate Trail: Jumpoff Joe Creek 1 Street Plug IV-3B
- Wagon Train Camp At Jumpoff Joe
Creek: Saturday, October 17, 1846 IV-3C
- 26 - Jumpoff Joe
Creek 2 IV-4A
- 27 - Bannister Creek
- Bannister Creek Cabin IV-5B
- 28 - IV Road Of
Applegate Trail: Dickersons Corner 1 IV-6A
- 29 - IV Road Of
Applegate Trail: Dickersons Corner 2 IV-7A
- 29B - IV Road Of
Applegate Trail: IV-7B
- 30 - Nidays
Road Fork IV-8A
GLO Surveyed Houses Along The Applegate Trail
to Houses Along The Applegate Trail
- 31 - Wagner House JA-H1
- 32B - Harris House JA-H2AA
- Harris House: Railroad Survey History
- Harris House: University of Oregon
Pedestrian Survey JA-2AC
- 33 - Davis House JA-H2B
- 34A - Niday House JA-H3A
- Niday House: 1857 Donation Land Claim
Survey JA-H3B
- 35 - Grave Creek House JA-4A
- Grave Creek House: Donation Land Claim
Survey JA-H4B
- 36 - Walker House JA-H5
- Vannoy House JA-H7A
- Vannoy Farm JA-H7B
- 37 - Haines House JA-H6
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