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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Inventory Brochures
General Land Office(GLO) Survey Notes
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OCTA's Composite Mapping Project



Non-surveyed Applegate Trail Site: East I-5 Manzanita Rest Area Met Verified
•  Walker, Mike, Member, HETC. June 5, 2015. Non-surveyed Applegate Trail Site: East I-5 Manzanita Rest Area Met Verified. Hugo, OR.
•  Appendices
Appendices A - C & E - N
   Appendix A. Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society (HuNAHS) Standards for All Emigrant Trail
   Inventories and Decisions
   Appendix B. HuNAHS’ Policy for Document Verification & Reliability of Evidence
   Appendix C. HETC’s Standards: Emigrant Trail Inventories and Decisions
   Appendix E. General Principles Governing Trail Location & Verification
   Appendix F. Cardinal Rules of Trail Verification
   Appendix G. Ranking the Reliability of Evidence Used to Verify Trial Location
   Appendix H. Emigrant Trail Classification Categories
   Appendix I. GLO Surveyors Lake & Hyde
   Appendix J. Preservation Training: Official OCTA Training Briefings
   Appendix K. Using General Land Office Notes And Maps To Relocate Trail Related Features
   Appendix L1. Oregon Donation Land Act
   Appendix L2. Donation Land Claim Act
   Appendix M1. Oregon Land Survey, 1851-1855
   Appendix M2. How Accurate Were the GLO Surveys?
   Appendix M3. Summary of Objects and Data Required to Be Noted In A GLO Survey
   Appendix M4. General Land Office in Oregon, ca. 1850-1946
   Appendix N. Use of the Multiple Hypotheses Method
Appendix D1. Pedestrian Survey of Stockpile Site South of Chancellor Quarry in the I-5 Jumpoff Joe-Glendale Project, Josephine County
Appendix D2. Subsurface Reconnaissance of the I-5 Chancellor Quarry Stockpile Project, and Metal Detector Survey Within the George and Mary Harris 1854 - 55 DLC
Appendix D3. May 18, 2011 Email/Letter to James Black, Planner, Josephine County Planning Department
Appendix D4. The Rogue Indian War and the Harris Homestead
Appendix D5. Future Studies


•  Table 1. Trail At East I-5 Manzanita Rest Area Site: MET CS 4 Rank Reliability of Different Types of Evidence Used to Verify Trail Location
•   Maps IA:  Lowland Takelma Indians
      Map 1. Takelma Lands In Southwestern Oregon
      Map 2. Takelma Indians
      Map 8. Hugo’s Indian Trail: 1855
•  Maps IB:  Applegate Trail
     Map 9. Hugo’s Applegate Trails: Map II of IV
     Map 10. Hugo’s Applegate Trails: Map III of IV
     Map 11. Jacksonville Road (JR) Of Applegate Trail Over Harris Creek: 1856 - JR Ford No. 4: Harris Creek
• Maps II:  Applegate Trail - Maps East I-5 Manzanita (EI-5Man)
     Map EI-5Man - 1. 1855 Applegate Trail GLO Surveyed Sites JA-4 - JA-8 & Non-Surveyed Applegate Trail
         Site: East I-5 Manzanita Rest Area
     Map EI-5Man - 2. 1855 Applegate Trail GLO Surveyed Site JA-3 & Non-Surveyed Applegate Trail Site:
         East I-5 Manzanita Rest Area
     Map EI-5Man - 3. 1855 Applegate Trail GLO Surveyed Sites JA-4 - JA-5 & Non-Surveyed Applegate Trail
         Site: East I-5 Manzanita Rest Area
     Map EI-5Man - 4a. 1855 Applegate Trail GLO Surveyed Sites JA-4 - JA-5 & JA-H-2A & Non-Surveyed
         Applegate Trail Site: East I-5 Manzanita Rest Area
     Map EI-5Man - 4b. Three East-West Ridges Along Jacksonville Road (JR) Of 1855 Applegate Trail
     Map EI-5Man - 5. Early Settlers Along Quarry Section Of Applegate Trail
     Map EI-5Man - 6. 1895 Sections 13, 14, 23, & 24, T.35S., R.6W., Flanagon Ranch
Maps:   University of Oregon. Subsurface Reconnaissance of the I-5 Chancellor Quarry Stockpile Project, and Metal Detector Survey Within the George and Mary Harris 1854 - 55 DLC (Appendix D3)
     Figure 4.2. The location of the Harris homestead, the Table Rock Reservation, and Fort Lane, as well as the
         Lupton Massacre, and other major engagements of the Rogue War
     Figure 4.3. Detail of an 1855 map prepared by Lts. H.L. Abbot and R.S. Williamson, US Army Topographical
Draft Issue Paper, HETC, Rogue River’s Applegate Trail Fords & Use of IV Wagon Road By Applegate Trail Emigrants:  December 24, 2014
Naming the Applegate Trail
Applegate Trail I North Sexton Pass I-5 East: I
Appendix A. October 18, 2011 Field Trip To North Sexton Pass I-5 East
Appendix B. October 21, 2011 Field Trip To North Sexton Pass I-5 East
Appendix C. October 21, 2011 Visited Applegate Trail Interpretive Center Museum
Appendix D. October 23, 2011 Field Trip To North Sexton Pass I-5 East
Appendix E. October 28, 2011 Field Trip to North Sexton Pass I-5 East
Appendix F. November 15, 2011 Field Trip To North Sexton Pass I-5 East
Appendix G. 1940 Oregon Highway Map Tables
Appendix H. Stations Of North Sexton Pass I-5 East 
Map 1A. Smith Hill Pass Of Applegate Trail: 1901 - 1902
Map 1B. Old Smith Hill Pass Of Applegate Trail: 1901 - 1902
Map 1C. Old Smith Hill Pass Of Applegate Trail: 1901 - 1902
Map 2. Old Smith Homestead At Smith Hill Pass: 1940
Map 3. County Roads South Of Smith Hill Pass: 1940
Map 4. 310' Segment of Applegate Trail at Mt. Sexton Pass: 1998
Map 5. Applegate Trail North Sexton Pass I-5 East: 1940
Map 6. Applegate Trail North Sexton Pass I-5 West: 1940
Map 7. Applegate Trail At Sexton Pass: 1998 
Aerial Photographs
Aerial 1. Smith Hill Pass: 1939
Aerial 2. Sexton Mountain Pass Region: 1959
Aerial 3. Applegate Trail North Sexton Pass: 2011
Applegate Trail I (ATI) North Sexton Pass I-5 East: II
Appendix A.  March 6, 2012 Field Trip to ATI:  Fords Trip
Appendix B.  March 8, 2012 Field Trip to ATI:  Candidate PT Ple
Appendix C.  March 16, 2012 Field Trip to ATI:  Station # Ribbons Placed
Appendix D1.  June 8, 2012 Field Trip to ATI:  NWOCTA Classification Trip
Appendix D2.  June 8, 2012 Field Trip to ATI:   NWOCTA Classification Trip
Appendix D3.  June 8, 2012 Field Trip to ATI:   NWOCTA Classification Trip
Appendix D4.   August 29, 2012 Supplement To June 8, 2012 Field Trip to ATI:  NWOCTA Classification Trip
Apprndix E.  June 20, 2012 Field Trip to ATI:  PT Pole & Anchor Rod
Appendix F.  August 21, 2012 Field Trip to ATI: Yellow Metal Location K-Tag
Inventory Forms
Inventory Form ATI-1. Topographical & Artifact Trail Evidence at Stations for ATI
Inventory Form ATI-2. Line of Rocks Evidence at Stations for ATI
Applegate Trail II (ATII) North Sexton Pass I-5 East: II
Applegate Trail III (ATIII) North Sexton Pass I-5 East: II
Gradient Measurement Field Trip: 310' Segment of the Applegate Trail At Mt. Sexton Pass
Location Of Applegate Trail in Upper Rat Creek: A Work in Progress
Location Of Applegate Trail in Upper Rat Creek: A Work in Progress
Appendix B. Fiber Optics Line In Rat Creek & Applegate Trail
Map 1. 1855 GLO Survey/1856 GLO Map (partially surveyed road)
Map 1B. 1855 Railroad Map (surveyed road)
Map 2. 1874 Josephine County's First Road (surveyed road)
Map 3. 1893 GLO Survey/1894 GLO Map (partially surveyed road)
Map 4. Hugo's Applegate Trail At Mt. Sexton: 1855 - 1893 (Map 13).
Map 5. 1895 Official County Map
Map 6. 1904 (Reprinted 1923) USGS Riddle Quadrangle (surveyed roads)
Map 7A. Jacksonville Road Of Applegate Trail & Rat Creek: 1904 - 1910s
Map 7B. Roads Identified: O&C Revestment Act on June 9, 1916
Map 8. 1922 Oregon Highway Department's Transit Notes & Maps For Pacific Highway (surveyed roads, but map not developed)
Map 9. 1932 Metsker Map, Josephine County, Oregon
Map 10. 1940 Sexton Mt. Right-Of-Way Map (surveyed roads, but map not developed)
Map 11. 1954 USGS Glendale, Oregon Quadrangle (surveyed roads)
Map 12.A. 1955 Metsker Map, Josephine County, Oregon
Map 12.B. 1959 BLM Aerial Photograph
Map 13. 1970 Metsker Map, Josephine County, Oregon
Map 14A. 1998 Merlin Quadrangle (surveyed roads)
Map 14B. 1874 Josephine County Road & 1998 Rat Creek (surveyed roads)
Map 14C. 1874 Road In Section 14 Of Rat Creek (surveyed roads)
Map 15. SOU August 31, 2010 Field Work on North Side of Sexton Pass In South Fork of Rat Creek: Section 14. T.34S., R.6W., WM
Maps 16 Multiple Secondary Source Maps (maps referenced by not mapped)
1. Scott Applegate Trail Atlas & Gazetteer
2. The South Road And The Route Across Southern Oregon
3. The Applegate Trail of 1846, A Documentary Guide to the Original Southern Emigrant Route to Oregon
4. Maps of the California Trail
Map 17. 2010 Buried Cable Route In Rat Creek
August 31, 2010 Field Report To Hugo Emigrant Trail Committee Files
Site of Martha Leland Crowley Death
Smith Hill Pass: 1940      Smith Hill Pass: 1940 Maps and Aerial Photos
Telegraph Lines and Applegate Trail at Smith Hill Pass
Map 1.   1.8 Mile Applegate Trail At Smith Hill Pass From JA-14 To JA-16: 1901 - 1902
Map 2.   Telegraph Lines At Old Smith Homestead Smith Hill Pass:  1940
Map 3.   Telegraph Lines South Of Smith Hill Pass: 1940
Map 4.   310' Segment of Applegate Trail at Mt. Sexton Pass: 1998
Map 5.   Telegraph Lines At Applegate Trail I North Sexton Pass I-5 East: 1940
Map 6.   Telegraph Lines At Applegate Trail North Sexton Pass I-5 West: 1940
Map 7.   Applegate Trail At Sexton Pass: 1998
Map 8.   1874 Josephine County's First Surveyed Road
Map 9.   1874 Josephine County Road & 1998 Maple Creek
Aerial Photographs
Aerial 1. Smith Hill Pass: 1939
Aerial 2. Sexton Mountain Pass Region: 1959
Aerial 3. Applegate Trail North Sexton Pass: 2011
Photographs 1- 6
Photo 1AA. Howard Banks Inspecting Galvanized Steel Telegraph Wire At 310' Segement Of Applegate Trail South Mt. Sexton Pass: 2006
Photo 1AB. Galvanized Steel Telegraph Wire At 310' Segement Of Applegate Trail South Mt. Sexton Pass: 2006
Photo 1B. Howard Banks & Norbert Tieman Near Postal Telegraph Pole At South Mt. Sexton Pass: 2006
Photo 2. Pacific Highway Communications Lines With Sexton Mt. In Background: ca., 1920s
Photo 3A. Looking North From Mt. Sexton Summit At Communications Lines: 1940
Photo 3B. AT&T & PT Communications Lines At North Sexton Pass: 1940
Photo 4A. South View Of AT&T 60' ROW Communication Lines In Upper West Field At North Sexton Pass: 1940
Photo 4B. AT&T & PT Communications Lines Within AT&T 60' ROW In Upper West Field At North Sexton Pass: 1940
Photo 5A. West View Of AT&T 60' ROW Communication Lines In West Field At North Sexton Pass: 1940
Photo 5B. AT&T & PT Communications Lines In West Field At North Sexton Pass: 1940
Photo 6. Right-of-Way Cleared On Mt. Sexton Pass Showing Postal Telegraph Pole: 1941
Photographs 7 - 12
Photo 7. Looking South From Old Pacific Highway Located At Mt Sexton Summit: 1941
Photo 8. Looking North Toward Mt. Sexton Summit At Old Pacific Highway: 1941
McLane Rat Creek Telegraph Photos Collection: Photo 9A - 9E
Photo 9A. Applegate Trail In Rat Creek: 1980s
Photo 9B. Applegate Trail In Rat Creek: 1980s
Photo 9C. Postal Telegraph Pole With Single Cross Arm In Rat Creek: 1980s
Photo 9D. Postal Telegraph Pole In Rat Creek: 1980s
Photo 9E. Postal Telegraph Pole With Single Cross Arm In Rat Creek: 1980s
Photo 10. Walker Rat Creek Telegraph Photo Near JA-15
Photo 11. Walker Maple Creek Telegraph Photo South of JA-14
Photo 12. Looking South From Mt Sexton Pass: 2004
Applegate Trail Grave Creek Project
Making The Case For Significance & Integrity
ODOT'S I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project
1.  December 7, 2011.  Letter From Frank Reading, Regional Manager, Region 3, ODOT To Glenn Harrison, Chair, Oregon Historic Trails Advisory Committee For "I-5: Glendate to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project". Roseburg, OR
2.  February 1, 2012.  Email/Letter From Walker, Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee, To Jessica Bochart-Leusch, Archaeologist for "I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project".
3.  February 16, 2012.  February 1, 2012 Meeting Minutes For "I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project".
4.  February 17, 2012.  Email/Letter From Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee To Mark Leedom, Project Manager, ODOT, For "I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project".
5.  February 22, 2012.  Email/Letter From Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee To Mark Leedom, Project Manager, ODOT, For "I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project".
6.  February 27, 2012.   Email from Sam Dunnavant, Region 3 Environmental Coordinator, ODOT, to Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee, For "I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project". This communication was ODOT's response to the opportunity to review and comment on the February 16, 2012.  February 1, 2012 Meeting Minutes for "I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project".
7.  March 5, 2012.   Email/Letter From Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee To Mark Leedom, Project Manager, ODOT, For "I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project".
8.  May 1, 2012 Field Trip Meeting Minutes For "I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving & Sexton Climbing Lane Project": Field Trip Meeting Between ODOT & Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee.  These minutes were provided to ODOT for review and comment on May 18, 2012.
8B.  June 12, 2012   Email From Glenn Harrison, representing himself, to Tobin Bottman, Archaeologist ODOT.  With Statement That Plans for the Last Part of the 1,060 Foot Portion of the Applegate Trail as it Comes down the Hill to I-5 Should Be Modified.
9.  June 15, 2012 Review And Comments By ODOT on May 1, 2012 Field Trip Meeting Minutes.
10.  June 15, 2012 Letter From James Collins, Region 3 Environment Manager, ODOT, To Mike Walker, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society.  Reference: I-5: Glendale to Hugo Paving/Sexton Climbing Lane Project Invitation to Partcipate as a Section 106 Consulting Party.
11.  June 22, 2012 Letter From Mike Walker, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society, To James Collins, Region 3 Environment Manager, ODOT, Accepting Responsibility to Participate as a Section 106 Consulting Party.
12.  June 26, 2012 Email/Letter From Mike Walker, Section 106 Consulting Party Representative, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society, To Chris Bucher, Operations Engineer, Oregon Division - Federal Highway Division (FHWA)
13.  June 26 - July 19, 2012.  Federal Highway Administrations Responsible For Compliance with Federal Regulations For I-5: Glendale - Hugo Paving/Sexton Climbing Lane Project.
14A.  September 17, 2012 Email. Jessica Bochart-Leusch, Archaeologist, Cultural Resources Tribal Liaison, Oregon Department of Transportation, to Mike Walker, Section 106 Consulting Party Representative, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society.  Documents 14B and 14BA and 14 CA were attachments to the September 17, 2012 Email.
14B.  August 8, 2012. Categorical Exclusion Closeout Document for the I-5: Glendale - Hugo Paving/Sexton Climbing Lane Project.  From Jim Collins, Geo/Environmental Manager, ODOT, to Chris Bucher, Federal Highway Administration. 
14CA.  August 9, 2012.  Section 106 Finding of Effect Document for the I-5: Glendale-Hugo Paving/Sexton Climbing Lane Project/Preliminary No Historic Properties Affected Findings.   From Rebecca Littau, Geo-Environmental Administrative Staff, ODOT, to Section 106 Consulting Party Representatives.  Document 14BA was a one page document that included Document 14BB that follows.
14CB.  August 1, 2012. Request For Concurrence; Finding of No Historic Properties Affected; I-5: Glendale-Hugo Paving/Sexton Climbing Lane Project.  From James B. Norman, Environmental Planning Unit Manager, ODOT Geo-Environmental Section, to Roger Roper, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, State Historic Preservation Office.  Ian Johnson, SHPO Official (built environment) concurred August 2, 2012 and another SHPO Official (Archaeology) (signature not legible) concurred August 6, 2012.
15.  September 20, 2012.   Email/Letter From Mike Walker, Section 106 Consulting Party Representative, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society, to Chris Bucher, Operations Engineer, Oregon Division - Federal Highway Division (FHWA).
16.  Hugo Native American Team.   August 2012.  John Peabody Harrington's Takelma Indian Field Notes: Outline.  For Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society & Josephine County Historical Society.  Hugo, Oregon.
17.  Hugo Native American Team.   August 2012.  Lowland Takelma Indian Trail & Rock Old Woman At Sexton Mountain Pass.  For Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society & Josephine County Historical Society.  Hugo, Oregon.
18. September 28, 2012.   Email/Letter From Mike Walker, Section 106 Consulting Party Representative, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society; Karen Rose, Member, Hugo Native American Team, & Co-Project Leader, Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee, HNA&HS To:
Robert Kentta, Cultural Resources Director With the Confederated Tribes of Siletz
Eirik Thorsgard, Cultural Protection Coordinator With the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon
David Harrelson, Cultural Protection Specialist With the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde  Community of Oregon
Briece Edwards, Tribal Archaeologist With the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon
Jessie Plueard, Archaeologist With the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
18B.  October 13, 2012   Email/Letter From Jim & Rene Ford, Co-Project Leaders for Hugo Applegate Trail Marking & Mapping Project, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society, to Henry Pittock, Mapping and Marking Chair, NW Oregon-California Trails Association.   The topic is authentication of 1,060' Segment of the Applegate Trail/Road at North Sexton Mountain Pass as OCTA Trail Classification of Class1/Class2.
19A. October 15, 2012.  Email/Letter From Mike Walker, Section 106 Consulting Party Representative, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society, To:
Milford Wayne Donaldson, Chairman Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Chris Bucher, Operations Engineer Oregon Division - Federal Highway Division
James Collins, Region 3 Environmental Manager, Oregon Department of Transportation
19B. Section 106 Consulting Party, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society. October 2012.  Why ACHP Should Review The I-5: Glendale - Hugo Paving/Sexton Climbing Lane Project Section 106 Process  Hugo, OR.

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