Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
HomeUpHugo Tombstone Quarry Section of Applegate TrailThomas Bryant: Hugo PioneerBryant Family: Federal CensusesJ.C. Cochrane Family: Early Hugo PioneersWilliam A. Cox Family: Hugo PioneersW.M. Cox Family: Hugo PioneersJohn Davis: Warrant LocatorW.H. Flanagan Family: Hugo PioneersHarris: Hugo PioneersLewis Heatt: Indian FighterMiller Family: Hugo PioneersJacob Miller Family: Federal CensusesElizabeth F. Neely: Hugo PioneerNeely Family: Hugo PioneersWm W. & E.J. Neely: Hugo PioneersPleasant Valley SchoolPVC: Applegate Trail & Pleasant Valley CemeteryPVC: Neely & Trimble CemeteriesPVC: Pleasant Valley Cemetery: 1870s?PVC: Tombstone AnalysisRenshaw Family: Hugo SettlersSquier Family: Hugo SettlersSamuel Trimble: Hugo Pioneer
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