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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society


Hugo Tombstone Quarry Section of Applegate Trail
Thomas Bryant: Hugo Pioneer
Bryant Family: Federal Censuses
J.C. Cochrane Family: Early Hugo Pioneers
William A. Cox Family: Hugo Pioneers
W.M. Cox Family:  Hugo Pioneers
John Davis:  Warrant Locator
W.H. Flanagan Family:  Hugo Pioneers
Harris:  Hugo Pioneers
Lewis Heatt:  Indian Fighter
Miller Family:  Hugo Pioneers
Jacob Miller Family:  Federal Censuses
Elizabeth F. Neely:  Hugo Pioneer
Neely Family:  Hugo Pioneers
Wm W. & E.J. Neely:  Hugo Pioneers
Pleasant Valley School
PVC: Applegate Trail & Pleasant Valley Cemetery
PVC:  Neely & Trimble Cemeteries
PVC:  Pleasant Valley Cemetery: 1870s?
PVC:  Tombstone Analysis
Renshaw Family:  Hugo Settlers
Squier Family:  Hugo Settlers
Samuel Trimble:  Hugo Pioneer



Brochure 19 in Hugo's Pioneers Brochure Series

Part of the 1.5 mile Applegate Trail Nomination to Federal Register of Historic Places

May 12, 2008
Hugo Neighborhood Association
Historical Society
Josephine County Historical Society
Rogue Advocates

John Davis/Lewis Heatt Military Warrant

Military Warrants Before the Civil War, and after, certain veterans were given warrants entitling them to a specified number of acres of public domain land for service in military engagements. Hugo has three military warrants for military service.

1. 1864 Warrant: Private Rice Benson for service, located by Anson Turner.
2. 1861 Warrant: Private Lewis Heatt for service, located by John Davis.
3. 1896 Warrant: Thomas Bryant for service

1861 John Davis Located Military Warrant On November 11, 1861 President Abraham Lincoln issued John Davis and Lewis Heatt a military warrant (Patent No. 41877) for 160 acres in Josephine County, Oregon.1 - 3

"WHEREAS, In pursuance of the Act of Congress, approved March 8,1855 . . .,"there have been deposited in the GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Warrant No. 41877 for 160 acres in favor of Lewis Heatt, Private, Captain Miller (sp.?) Company Militia, Rogue River War with evidence that the same has been duly located upon, . . ."

". . . the said Warrant having been assigned by the said Lewis Heatt to John Davis . . . NOW KNOW YE, That there is therefore granted by the UNITED STATES unto the said John Davis . . . the tract of land above described . . ."

John Davis, Military Warrant Locator: 1861

Natural Prairie & Pasture4-5 The warrant lands included most of the open wetlands of what would later become part of the 240-acre J. C. Cochrane ranch. The ranch’s location had a reason: natural sub-irrigation for pasture during the winter, spring, and early summer.

It is unknown whether John Davis farmed and/or ranched the warrant. He could have been like Anson Turner to the north who soon sold his warrant the day after it was issued.

Applegate Trail (Trail) While being adjacent to the wetland, the permanent Trail avoided it where possible, and it was generally located in the higher elevation ground next to the tree line. The Trail is clearly depicted on 2007 Josephine County Assessor maps for the warrant lands (i.e., 1856 GLO surveyed points JA-6 and JA-7 are on lands managed by the Josephine County Sportsman Association.

"Approx. Center Line Territorial Road
Willamette Valley to Jacksonville."

This same Trail location is almost exactly the title used on the 1856 GLO map.

"Road from Willamette Valley to Jacksonville"

After leaving the warrant lands the Trail continues down Schoolhouse Creek.

J. L. Hall Tombstone: Died 1867

Hall Tombstone There is a grave with tombstone at the entrance to the Josephine County Sportsman Association Park with the following information.

"J. L. Hall, Died Sept 22 1867, Aged 40 years"

Local anecdotal information is that this grave was previously located in or near the I-5 right-of-way and moved to its present location during ca., 1958 - 1960 when I-5 was being built through the area. A speculative hypothesis is the J. L. Hall is the Lewis Heatt identified in the military warrant.6

1860 Census Walker’s Mill Precinct, Josephine County, Oregon
J. L. Hall
Age 20

Hall’s age is in conflict with tombstone.

Want more information? Contact an officer of the Hugo Neighborhood on how you can become involved in your community’s history and land use.


1. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), General Land Office (GLO) Records. 2007. Official Federal Land Records Site ( Internet.
2. Hugo Neighborhood. 2007. Hugo Pioneers. Map Of Federal Land Transfer in Hugo, Oregon. Hugo, OR.
3. Lincoln, Abraham, President of United States. 1861. Military Warrant to John Davis. City of D. C., Washington.
4. Hugo Neighborhood, Josephine County Historical Society, et. al. 2007. Hugo Granite Tombstone Quarry Site: Preliminary Resource Assessment. Two volumes. Hugo, OR.
5. Hugo Neighborhood, Josephine County Historical Society, et. al. 2007. Assessment Of Proposed Pioneer Meadow Subdivision Containing Applegate Trail Resources. Hugo, OR.
6. Hugo Neighborhood, Josephine County Historical Society, & Rogue Advocates. 2007. Lewis Heath: Indian Fighter. Hugo, OR.

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