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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society


Junk Cars
Public Broadcasting To Inform Citizenry
Oral History Agreements
Hugo Community Church History Project
Free Internet Information On Ground Water
Going Local
Well Interference
Southern Oregon Toll-Free Region?
Neighborhood Associations
Political Equality: One-Person-One-Vote-One-Value
Hugo Historic Building Inventory
Inventory of Hugo's Cultural Assets
1856 Wagon Trail Inventory
Oregon City Size & Tax Rate
Citizen Involvement In The Oregon Land Use Planning
Agricultural Lands of Dickerson's Corner
PACs For CACs & NAs
Zero Cost To Fund Citizen Involvement
One Time Need To Fund CAC Inventories & Handbooks
CACNC Coalition
Hugo's Dream of Neighborhood Park
Outreach Chair
Citizen Involvement Committee
Role of JO CO's Citizen Involvement Committee
Strategic Litigation Against Pubic Participation (SLAPP)
Attempt to Re-zone Dickerson's Corner
What Is The Carrying Capacity of Your Aquifer?
Do You Want A Taxing District Or A Citizen Advisory Committee?
The Value Of "Notice"
Communities Map
Hugo Community Sign Dedication
Web Master
Railroad Depot Series
City of Three Pines' Orchards
Land Use Committee
Is Your Property Forestland & In a Wildfire Hazard Zone?
What Is The Capacity of Your Fire Hazard Area?
Seeking Applicants For Hugo Neighborhood Assn.
Hugo Coffee Mugs
Hugo History Day IV - Raffle
Party or Standing
Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Josephine County Tax Rolls: 1859, 1860, 1861
Soil Surveys
Points of Order
IRR Series
Need Land Use Help?
Right to Speak & Petition Fund
Hugo's Emigrant Trails
Water Assessment
Lynch Ranch
Recommended Role For Jo Co's Rural Planning Commission
Citizen Involvement Series
Metal Detector Project
Granite Tombstone Quarry Site
Self-Guided Tour - Granite Tombstone Quarry Site
Memorial to Holger Sommer
Hugo Community Sign Maintenance Committee
Hugo's Insulator Brochure Series



February 17, 2003
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
Member of the CACNA Coalition

JO CO Citizen Involvement Plan (CIP)

The Josephine County CIP1 has two purposes.

1. Citizens from all geographic areas have continued involvement in the land planning process.
2. Citizen input in the land planning process is adequately considered by planning officials.

The Josephine County Board of Commissioners (BCCs) is responsible for the program.

"Adequate human and financial resources shall be allocated to accomplish the purposes of the program."1

Issue The issue is the lack of adequate human and financial resources for the county’s CIP and Citizen Involvement Committee (CIC).1

Cooperation We believe that effective citizen involvement is essential to good government. Elected officials, staff and citizens all play important roles in governing Josephine County. Cooperation between the county and citizens results in the best policy decisions.

Leadership Citizens look forward to working with the BCC, its staff, and the CIC to increase citizen involvement in planning through strong planning for citizen involvement (CI).

Zero Cost To Fund CIP & CIC

Last January 23, 2002 the Hugo Neighborhood requested the BCC consider a line-item budget for the county’s CIP and CIC.

The Oregon Land Conservation & Development Commission’s (LCDC’s) 2002 strategic planning process made it an opportune year to increase support for the county’s local CIP and CIC. The BCC needed to demonstrate its interest and support and apply for a CI grant from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation & Development (DLCD). It needed to spend some "political capital."

The Hugo Neighborhood was ready to do its part and representatives volunteered to act as county staff in applying for the CI grant.

• The Hugo Neighborhood would develop a CI grant.

• The BCC would "ask" DLCD for the grant.

• The grant process would not cost the county a dime.

It is unknown whether the LCDC’s next strategic planning process will place CI high on its priority list, but the Hugo Neighborhood again offers the county its services in applying for a CI grant for next year’s budget cycle.

More Information

Josephine County has had a CIP since 1976. However, there has been no budget allocated to implement the plan, especially to fund the functions of the CIC, since the 1980 - 1981 budget year (an exception was a very small allocation to the CIC last year).

Has the CIP been successfully implemented during the last 20 years. The Hugo Neigh-borhood believes the CIC is in the best position to consider the question (see brochure entitled, Role of JO CO’s Citizen Involvement Committee: An Issue Paper).

How do you feel? If you agree with us please make your concerns known to your neighbors, our county commissioners, members of the CIC, and/or become a co-sponsor of this issue paper.

Would you like to learn more about citizen involvement in land use planning? Contact an officer of the Hugo Neighborhood.

1 Josephine County Ordinance No. 93-13.


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