Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society |
Citizen Involvement (CI) In Land Use Planning For many, "Oregon Statewide Goal 1 Citizen Involvement" is ailing. Citizen involvement is a messy, frustrating, laborious, expensive, and time-consuming process. Why not just repeal "Goal 1," forget about the painful process of involving citizens, and get on with the business of planning? We believe the job of land use planning should be the business of enabling "citizens" to plan and manage the use of land. Our system of land use planning in Oregon should be implemented to involve those who are "not" planners. In Session 2 Citizens Championing CI, citizen involvement groups from three different Oregon counties will produce for cable television, their experience in championing CI in land use planning. The three groups follow.
The Pacific Green Party and the Dale Matthews for State Representative Political Committee (District 3) have committed to produce the television sessions, without cost to the community, for the purpose of promoting open government. Public Broadcasting To Inform Citizenry The citizen involvement groups program of Public Broadcasting To Inform Citizenry will have three sessions.
The sessions will be taped during the fall of 2002 and publicly broadcasted on Channel 31, a public-access cable television service in the Rogue River Valley. The sessions will be offered free to the Rogue River Valleys local government cable television services (e.g., Channel 22 in Josephine County, etc.). The programs will also be available for a small fee in video copy. The benefits of an effective citizen involvement program are: 1. education in the history and processes of land use planning and understanding of its needfulness and value, and 2. planning decisions better reflecting the desires of the community resulting in citizen ownership and support. An effective program can decrease later conflicts.
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