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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society


Junk Cars
Public Broadcasting To Inform Citizenry
Oral History Agreements
Hugo Community Church History Project
Free Internet Information On Ground Water
Going Local
Well Interference
Southern Oregon Toll-Free Region?
Neighborhood Associations
Political Equality: One-Person-One-Vote-One-Value
Hugo Historic Building Inventory
Inventory of Hugo's Cultural Assets
1856 Wagon Trail Inventory
Oregon City Size & Tax Rate
Citizen Involvement In The Oregon Land Use Planning
Agricultural Lands of Dickerson's Corner
PACs For CACs & NAs
Zero Cost To Fund Citizen Involvement
One Time Need To Fund CAC Inventories & Handbooks
CACNC Coalition
Hugo's Dream of Neighborhood Park
Outreach Chair
Citizen Involvement Committee
Role of JO CO's Citizen Involvement Committee
Strategic Litigation Against Pubic Participation (SLAPP)
Attempt to Re-zone Dickerson's Corner
What Is The Carrying Capacity of Your Aquifer?
Do You Want A Taxing District Or A Citizen Advisory Committee?
The Value Of "Notice"
Communities Map
Hugo Community Sign Dedication
Web Master
Railroad Depot Series
City of Three Pines' Orchards
Land Use Committee
Is Your Property Forestland & In a Wildfire Hazard Zone?
What Is The Capacity of Your Fire Hazard Area?
Seeking Applicants For Hugo Neighborhood Assn.
Hugo Coffee Mugs
Hugo History Day IV - Raffle
Party or Standing
Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Josephine County Tax Rolls: 1859, 1860, 1861
Soil Surveys
Points of Order
IRR Series
Need Land Use Help?
Right to Speak & Petition Fund
Hugo's Emigrant Trails
Water Assessment
Lynch Ranch
Recommended Role For Jo Co's Rural Planning Commission
Citizen Involvement Series
Metal Detector Project
Granite Tombstone Quarry Site
Self-Guided Tour - Granite Tombstone Quarry Site
Memorial to Holger Sommer
Hugo Community Sign Maintenance Committee
Hugo's Insulator Brochure Series



Josephine County ...Ordinance 93-13 and the 1994 memorandum are sufficiently ambiguous that we cannot determine whether the HNA is a recognized neighborhood association for purposes of ORS 197.763(2)(b) and hence entitled to notice under the statute. The county must address that issue on remand. Wayne McKy v. Josephine County, LUBA No. 99-100 (2000)1

November 17, 2003
Land Use Committee
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
Member of the CACNA Coalition

Value of Hard-Copy Notice

What is hard-copy "notice" to neighborhood associations (NA) and how much is it worth to the public? The Hugo NA felt it was very important and petitioned its case to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals.1 LUBA sent the issue back to Josephine County January 2000, but the county has not addressed the notice issue on remand. It has also be silent on other remands from LUBA.2

It is interesting that in 1994 Harold Haugen, Chair, Josephine County Board of Commissioners, was our elected leader in establishing notice to NAs and he is presently holding the same position in championing the decision to do away with it.3

The HNA believes notice, especially hard-copy notice, is a core element of Oregon Statewide Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement, and the opportunity for citizens of "neighborhood or community organizations"4 to be involved in all phases of the planning process. Doing away with hard-copy notice would be like eliminating the "law" to provide notice to adjacent owners of property proposed to be developed.5

County Decision To Do Away With Notice

Early August 2003 the Josephine County Board of Commissions (BCC) made a decision to eliminate notice to NAs. Commissioners Harold Haugen, Chair, and Jim Riddle voted to do away with hard-copy notice to NAs. Commissioner Jim Brock voted against the decision.6 We understand the Chair is responsible for minutes of these type of meetings.

There was no public debate about this private commissioners’ decision and Michael Snider, Planning Director, was instructed not to discuss any questions about this citizen involvement issue with interested neighbors. He was, in effect, under a gag-order and instructed to direct any questions to Commissioner Haugen.7

The Josephine County Citizen Involvement Committee was asked to consider an agenda item at its next meeting - "Recognition and Notice of Land Use Applications to Neighborhood Associations by Josephine County".8 No public action has been taken.

As of November 5, 2003 the county decision had not been implemented.9 However, the HNA still has not been able to obtain any documentation from the county. There is a letter from a citizen, Bob Hart, asking for notice to be discontinued.

Web Notice Should Not Be A Substitute For Hard-copy Notice

The county has initiated notice of land use applications and hearings on its web site which we believe is a positive action.11 However, this notice should not be a substitute for hard-copy notice as it not does not have the procedural safeguards of law and does not address legal posting and the large number of neighbors without web access, including the chair of the HNA. It also does not address the value of hard-copy notice.4 For example, land owners, CACs, and NAs presently do not have to daily scan the web for land use decisions that might be applicable to land use proposals near them.

We invite you to participate in any meeting between representatives of the HNA and the BCC to discuss this issue, as well as other forums (e.g. contact BCC directly, letters to editor, contact reporters, have your own meetings, support HNA, citizen enforcement order, contact Oregon Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee, contact LCDC, etc.).

More Information. Would you like to learn more about citizen involvement in land use planning? Contact a member of the Land Use Committee of the Hugo Neighborhood.

Disclaimer. This brochure is as much about providing information and provoking questions as it is about opinions concerning the adequacy of findings of fact and land use decisions. It does not provide recommendations to citizens and it is not legal advice. It does not take the place of a lawyer. If citizens use information contained in this paper, it is their personal responsibility to make sure that the facts and general information contained in it are applicable to their situation.

1. Wayne McKy v. Josephine County, LUBA No. 99-100 (2000);
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society. November
2, 2002. Neighborhood Associations. Grants Pass, OR.
2. Simpson v. Josephine County, LUBA No. 95-032 (1995).
3. Signing Commissioners to 1994 memorandum: Harold L. Haugen, Chairman, and Fred Borngasser and Irvin R. Whiting; Letter from Assistant Planning Director, Michael Snider, to Wayne McKy, Chair Hugo NA.
4. OAR 660-015-0000(1); ORS 197.763(2)(b).
5. ORS 197.763(2)(a).
6. Telephone call from Mike Walker to Jim Brock, November 5, 2003.
7. Telephone call from Mike Walker to Michael Snider, August 14, 2003.
8. Letter from Mike Walker to Elizabeth Metcalf, Chair, CIC, August 14, 2003.
9.Telephone call from Wayne McKy to Michael Snider, November 5, 2003.
10. Letter from Bob Hart to BCC dated August 8, 2003.
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© 2011 Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society