Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society |
Assisting in the implementation of the countys citizen involvement program. Evaluating the process being used in the county for citizen involvement. 1. Development Of CIP How has the CIC assisted the BCC with the establishment of the CIP3 that insures the involvement of the countys citizens in all activities that involve land use?How has the CIC involved the countys citizens in developing a CIP? Development & Implementation Of CIP2. Implementation of CIP How has the CIC assisted the county in the implementation of the CIP that insures the involvement of the countys citizens in all activities that involve land use? For example, has a "Citizens Handbook" or guide for CACs or neighborhood associations (NAs) been developed and implemented? What kind education or training program is there for citizens interested in the CAC program? How has the CIC assisted the BCC to ensure funding for the CIP?Has the CIC assisted the BCC in ensuring that adequate human, financial and informational resources are allocated for the CIP? How has the CIC assisted the BCC in ensuring that sufficient financial, human, and informational resources for the CIP become an integral component of the countys planning budget? How has the CIC assisted the BCC in being accountable for obtaining and providing ample human, financial, and educational resources to make citizen involvement happen? In what ways has the CIC involved the countys citizens in implementing the CIP? Evaluating The CIP3. Evaluating the CIP Has the CIC evaluated the effectiveness of how the process being used in the county for citizen involvement is working?How has the CIC evaluated the effectiveness of its own approach for implementing the CIP? Has the CIC assessed the adequacy of how the human, financial, and informational resources allocated for the CIP are being used? Has the CIC measured the effectiveness of resources available to assist citizen involvement groups to perform organizational functions? Has the CIC evaluated the effectiveness of how well the CAC and NA programs are working? How has the CIC rated the trust citizens in the county have for its CIP? How has the CIC evaluated the countys land use notification process? How has the CIC evaluated the effectiveness of the notification process in achieving the goal of "informed citizens" and "informed decision-making?" Josephine County has had a CIC since 1975. Has the CIC been successful in performing its three jobs during the last 27 years? The Hugo Neighborhood believes the CIC is in the best position to answer these questions. If you agree with us make your concerns known to your neighbors and our county commissioners, and/or become a co-sponsor of this issue paper.
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