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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

1856 Wagon Trail Inventory
Agricultural Lands of Dickerson's Corner
Attempt to Re-zone Dickerson's Corner
Free Internet Information On Ground Water
Going Local
Granite Tombstone Quarry Site
Hugo Community Church History Project
Hugo Community Sign Dedication
Hugo Historic Building Inventory
Hugo's Dream of Neighborhood Park
Inventory of Hugo's Cultural Assets
IRR Series
Is Your Property Forestland & In a Wildfire Hazard Zone?
Josephine County Tax Rolls: 1859, 1860, 1861
Junk Cars
Lynch Ranch
Memorial to Holger Sommer
Metal Detector Project
Oral History Agreements
Oregon City Size & Tax Rate
Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Seeking Applicants For Hugo Neighborhood Assn.
Self-Guided Tour - Granite Tombstone Quarry Site
Soil Surveys
Southern Oregon Toll-Free Region?
What Is The Capacity of Your Fire Hazard Area?


December 6, 2002
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Hugo’s Dream Of A Neighborhood Park
Many neighbors have approached the Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society (Hugo Neighborhood, or HUNAHS) about the possibility of a neighborhood park. A park is a dream that many of us have had ever since the Hugo Elementary School closed in 1967. We believe we lost much more than a school when it closed. Wayne McKy said, "When the school closed we lost the heart of our community."

• School/Education Hub
• Kids Hangout
• Neighborhood Park
• Community Center
• Meeting Place
• Social Retreat
• Gathering Spot

Some think a park would be beneficial to the individual by improving health and wellness, building self esteem, providing alternatives to self destructive behavior, reducing stress and proving opportunities for learning and living a more balanced productive life. Others think the community would benefit from a park by building stronger families, reducing loneliness and alienation, enhancing community spirit, reducing crime and promoting ethnic and cultural harmony.

We do know that anything that provides the young people a chance to experience and enjoy the community that we’ve come to love is worth preserving or developing. We proclaim the development of a neighborhood park a long-term goal, some would say dream, of the Hugo Neighborhood.

Brain Storming Possible Locations
One possible location of a neighborhood park is across the street from the Hugo Hitching Post, which is a commercial establishment, but in a way is like Hugo’s last public meeting place. This park location’s theme might be a veteran’s memorial and the Southern Pacific Railroad in Hugo.

Other locations presently being considered are in the vicinities of the old Hugo school, Hugo Community Church, and Hugo Ladies Club. However, in reality, the range of possible locations is fully open to the visions and ideas of Hugo neighbors.

Some preliminary issues to be addressed include: private ownership, railroad ownership, comprehensive plan and zoning changes, size of parcel, location of septic system, costs, grants, facilities (e.g., security fences, signs, restrooms, parking, roads, water, etc.) maintenance, and insurance and personal liability.

More Information
Mike Walker remembers the Hugo School with fondness. "In the 1950s and 60s the community had great Halloween carnivals and Christmas plays at the Hugo School, soliciting prizes and gifts from merchants in return for advertisement. It had pit socials, box suppers, and programs for all occasions. It held benefits for families struck by hardship and need. It even catered dinners for organizations."

Mrs. Lula Belle Dickerson, a great friend of the community and now passed away, shared her thoughts at the 1982 Hugo School reunion.
"The Hugo Elementary school had great tough football teams and fast basketball teams (i.e., at least they knew they were the best!), and beautiful girls who chased boys. But, most of all the children and families of the Hugo community had togetherness and caring. Many felt it was impossible to separate the school from the community."

We are looking for co-sponsorships, but this is not necessarily a pledge for money or time — mostly it is standing up with us and acknowledging our dream. This brochure will be periodically updated with information about the status of our community vision for a park, or with the addition of co-sponsors.

How do you feel? Would you like to be counted in our dream of a neighborhood park? Contact an officer of the Hugo Neighborhood on how you can become involved, be a co-sponsor, or support this concept in another way.


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