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- A. Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- B. Josephine County Historical Society
- C. Goal One Coalition
- D Rogue Advocates
- E. Oregon-California Trails Association
- A. Federal Rules and Regulations For Historic Resources
- B. State of Oregon Rules and Regulations
- 1. Oregon Historic Trails
- 2. The Oregon Community Foundation -
Oregon Historic Trails Fund
- 3. The Oregon Historic Trails Advisory
- 4. Historic Property
- 5. Oregon Historic Preservation Plan
- 6. Oregon State Historic Preservation
- 7. Oregon State Advisory Committee on
Historic Preservation
- 8. Preservation of Property of Historic
- 9. Archaeological Objects and Sites
- 10. Cultural Heritage Policy
- 11. Agricultural And Forest Lands
- 12. Oregon Statewide Goal 5
- 13. Oregon Cemeteries
- 14. Oregon Land Use Laws
- 15. Health, Welfare, And Safety
- a) Health And
Safety Under ORS 197.352(3)(B)
(1) ORS 197.352(3)(B)
(2) Letter of Advice from the Oregon Department of Justice
(3) Oregon Governors Questions & Answers
- b) Application
To Health And Safety Laws Of Josephine County, Oregon
- c) Health And
Safety Under General Welfare Or The Traditional Police Power
- d) Definition of
(1) Overall Condition Of An Organism
(2) Soundness, Especially Of Body Or Mind; Freedom From Disease Or Abnormalities
(3) Well-Being
(4) Stress
(5) Protecting Historic Resources As Part Of Health
- C. Josephine County Comprehensive Plan: Historic Resources
- D. Josephine County Rural Land Development Code (RLDC):
Historic Resources
- 1. Historic or Archeology Sites: RLDC
50.050 - Tentative Plan Review Standards & Criteria
- 2. Archeological Resources and Historic
Buildings and Sites: RLDC 93
- A. Geology
- B. Soils
- 1. 1983 Soil Survey Of Josephine County,
- 2. 2nd & 3rd
Order Soil Surveys
- 3. Soil Conservation Service
(SCS)/Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Report
- 4. Summary
- C. Water
- 1. Drainages
- 2. Streams
- 3. Wetland
- 4. Summary
- D. Agricultural Lands
- 1. Agricultural Soils
- 2. Summary
- E. Forest Lands
- 1. Forest Vegetation
- 2. Forest Soils & Productivity
- 3. Agency Conclusions On Forest
- 4. Internal Rate of Return
- 5. Summary
- F. Historical Context
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Historic Context: California
(Applegate) National Historic Trail, 1846-1883
- a) Significance
- b) Historical
- 3. Theme of Historic Context For The Applegate
Trail: Settlement
- 4. Time Frame of Historic Context For
The Applegate Trail: 1856 - 1913
- 5. Geographic Component of Historic
Context For The Applegate Trail: Hugo Tombstone Quarry Section
- 6. Use of the Applegate Trail in
Northern Josephine County - Hugo Tombstone Quarry Section: 1856 - 1913
- 7. Settlement
- a) Applegate
Trail: 1846 - 1913
(1) Legislative Recognition
(2) Historic Applegate Trail
(3) Harris Creek Prairie and Cochrane Wet Area
(4) Applegate Trail And Proposed Pioneer Meadow Subdivision
(5) Summary
- b) Federal Land Transfers In Hugo: 1850s - 1930s
- c) Railroad: 1883 - 2007
- d) Emigrant Pleasant Valley Cemetery: 1880s - 2007
(1) Introduction
(2) Pleasant Valley Cemetery (PVC) And PVC Association History
(3) PVC And PVC Association: 2007
- e) Hugo Granite Tombstone Quarry Site: 1880s - 1929
- f) Highways: 1913 - 2007
(1) Native Americans
(2) Applegate Trail: 1846 - 1913
(3) Trails And Wagon Roads Before Railroad: 1841 - 1883
(4) Wagon Roads And Southern Pacific Railroad: 1883
(5) First Auto in Josephine County: 1904
(6) New Traffic In Josephine County: 1905 - 1913
(7) Pacific Highway In Josephine County, Oregon: 1913 - 1926
(8) Pacific Highway Paved in Northern Josephine County, Oregon: 1920 - 1921
(9) U. S. Highway 99 In Josephine County, Oregon: 1926 - 1946
(10) Interstate 5 In Josephine County, Oregon: 1960 - 2007
(11) Summary
- 8. Applegate
Trail Integrity
- a) Introduction
- b) Applegate
Trail Integrity
(1) Location
(2) Design
(3) Setting
(4) Materials
(5) Workmanship
(6) Feeling
(7) Association
- c) National
Register Historic Places Criterion D
- d) Integrity
- 9. Impact Agents
- G. Land Use: East I-5 Rest Stop to
Pleasant Valley Cemetery
- a) Josephine
County Comprehensive Plan
- b) Josephine
County Rural Land Development Code
- c) Residential
and Forest Lands
(1) Western Part of JASec 3 - Rural Residential 5
(2) Eastern Part of JASec 3: Forest - Woodlot Resource
- d) Wetlands
- e) Recreation
(Woodlot Resource) - Josephine County Sportsman Park
- f) ODOT
Administered Lands
- g) Summary
- H. Research And Field Work
- 1. JASec 2: Mary Harris Complex/Donation
Land Claim
- a) Oregon
Department of Transportation East I-5 Corridor: East I-5 Manzanita Rest Stop to Josephine
Sportsman Park
(1) 1850s Harris Donation Land Claim
(2) 1856 General Land Office Survey Defined Harris Historic Cabin And Barn Site
(3) 1856 General Land Office Survey Defined Harris Prairie
(4) 1856 General Land Office Survey Harris Field
(5) 1855 Rogue Indian War Artifacts
(6) Two Cairns At 1850s Harris Historic Cabin And Barn Site
(7) Swale At Harris Donation Land Claim
(8) 1856 General Land Office Survey Points: Two Roads And A House
(9) Macadam Roads
- b) Josephine
County Sportsman Park
(1) 1860s Davis Military Warrant Home Place
(2) 1856 Davis Historic Cabin
(3) 1856 General Land Office Survey Davis Wet Area
(4) 1856 General Land Office Survey Points: Two Roads And A House
(5) Topography Trail Restrictions
- 2. JASec 3: Emigrant Pleasant Valley
- a) Proposed
Pioneer Meadow Subdivision
(1) 1860s Davis Military Warrant Home Place
(2) 1856 General Land Office Survey Cochrane Wet Area
(3) Hill-Wet Area Restricted Corridor/Field Wire Boundary
- b) Hugo Granite
Tombstone Quarry Site
- c) Paradise
Vista Subdivision
(1) Hill-Wet Area Restricted Corridor/Field Wire Boundary
- d) Private
Property: Lowrey, Wright, Shepard/Cook, And ? Properties
(1) Lowrey Property: Schoolhouse Creek Channel
(2) Wright Property: Schoolhouse Creek Channel
(3) Shepard/Cook Properties
(a) Schoolhouse Creek Channel
(b) Macadam Road
(c) Old Bridge Crossing Over Schoolhouse Creek
(d) Low Ford Crossing Over Schoolhouse Creek
(4) Section 10DA, T. 35 S., R. 6. W., Tax Lot 1100 (Map 2B)
- e) Monument
Drive Right-of-Way
- f) Pleasant
Valley Cemetery
(1) Topography Trail Restrictions
(2) Tombstone Analysis
- A. National Register Evaluation Criteria
- 1. Evaluation Criteria
- 2. Category of Historic Places
- 3. National Register of Historic Places
- B. National Register Integrity Standards
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Understanding the Aspects of
- 3. Assessing Integrity in Properties
- C. National Register Eligibility
- 1. Introduction
- 2. National Register Evaluation Criteria
- a) Applegate
Trail Evaluation Criteria
- b) Historic Applegate
Trail Is A Site
- c) Applegate
Trail Evaluation
- Appendix A - Authors
- Appendix B - Federal Rules and Regulations For Historic
- Appendix C - State of Oregon Rules and Regulations For
Historic Resources
- Appendix C1 - Oregon SHPO Archaeological Services
Definition of Historic Sites
- Appendix D - Josephine County Comprehensive Plan: Historic
- Appendix E - Josephine County Rural Land Development Code:
Archeological Resources and Historic Buildings and Sites
- Appendix F - Inventory of Applegate Trail: Hugo Region,
Latitude & Longitude for Houses: JA-H-2A & JA-H-2B
- Appendix G - ORS 197.352: Measure 37
- Appendix H - Protect The Public Health, Welfare, and Safety
- Appendix I - Oregon State Historic Preservation Office.
2005. 2005 Oregon Historic Preservation Plan. Salem, OR.
- Appendix J - Applegate Trail: Silvestri Property Brochure
- Map 1A - Map 3. Hugo Neighborhood Association &
Historical Societys Constitution Map: 2005
- Map 1B - Assessor Map, T. 35 S., R. 6. W., WM: 2007
- Map 2A - Assessor Map, Section 10, T. 35 S., R. 6. W., WM:
- Map 2B - Assessor Map, Section 10DA, T. 35 S., R. 6. W.,
WM: 2007
- Map 2C - Assessor Map, Section 11, T. 35 S., R. 6. W., WM:
- Map 3A - Assessor Map, Section 14, T. 35 S., R. 6. W., WM:
- Map 3B - Assessor Map, Section 13, T. 35 S., R. 6. W., WM:
- Map 3C - Assessor Map, Section 24, T. 35 S., R. 6. W., WM:
- Map 4 - Map 2. Applegate Trails: 1856, Rogue River to
Leland Creek, Oregon
- Map 5 - Map 9. Hugos Applegate Trails: Jacksonville
Road From Louse Creek to Pleasant Valley Cemetery & IV Road From Louse Creek to
Jumpoff Joe Creek: Map II of IV
- Map 6 - Jacksonville Road Section 3 of Applegate Trail:
- Map 7 - Gravel Pit Station Neighbors: 1895
- Map 8 - Jacksonville Road Section 3 of Applegate Trail:
- Map 9 - Hugo Pioneers
- Map 10 - Jacksonville Road Section 3 of Applegate Trail:
- Map 11 - Pleasant Valley Region: 1932
- Maps 12-14 - Reserved
- Map 15 - Soils
- Map 16 - Topography Of Schoolhouse Creek Drainage
- Map 17 - Zoning, Buildings, & Driveways: 2007
- Map 18 - Property Owners Along Applegate Trail: 2007
- Map 19 - Land Use Along Applegate Trail: 2007
- Map 20 - Wetlands North of Applegate Trail: 2007
- Map 21 - JA-4 through JA-8 of the Applegate Trail: 1856
- Illustration IV-1 - Oregon-California Trails Association
- Illustration IV-2 - Hugos Donation Land Claims: 1850s
- Photo 1 - Slope - Wet Area Tree Line At Cochrane Field/Wet
- Photo 2 - Pond At Cochrane Field/Wet Area
- Photo 3 - Background Residential Development At Cochrane
Field/Wet Area
Aerial Photography
- Aerial Photo 1 - Pleasant Valley Region: 1940
- Aerial Photo 2 - 1856 & 1895 Trails for Jacksonville
Road Section 3 of Applegate Trail
- Aerial Photo 3B - Quarry Parcel Tax Lot 600; Cochrane Wet
Area; Josephine County Sportsman Park: 2007
Bibliographical Style
The outline and bibliographical style used in this
assessment is found in A Manual of Style published by the University of Chicago
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