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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Title Page
Executive Summary
Federal Register Determinations
Conditions of Approval
Aerial Photography





The Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society (Hugo Neighborhood), Goal One Coalition, Josephine County Historical Society, Rogue Advocates, and Oregon-California Trials Association are nonprofit organizations whose missions include providing assistance and support to citizens of the Rogue Valley in matters affecting their communities (Appendix A).

A. Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

The Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society (Hugo Neighborhood) is an informal nonprofit charitable and educational organization of unpaid volunteers with a land use and history mission promoting the social well-being of its neighbors by working to champion Oregon Statewide Goal 1 — Citizen Involvement, and by preserving, protecting, and enhancing the livability and economic viability of its farms, forests, and rural neighbors. The mission of the Hugo Neighborhood follows.

Land Use • Promote Citizen Involvement (Oregon Statewide Goal 1)
• Promote Education
• Protect Our Farms and Forests (Oregon Statewide Goals 3 & 4)
• Protect Our Community’s Rural Quality of Life
History • Preserve Our Local History (preserving, documenting, promoting & interpreting)
• Promote Education
• Promote Analysis of Local Cultural Resources (Oregon Statewide Goal 5 & Josephine County Comprehensive Plan, Goal 7)

One of the ways the Hugo Neighborhood aims to best promote the social welfare of its Hugo neighbors is by collecting, preserving, interpreting, and researching its rich local history, and encouraging neighbor’s interest in the history of the Hugo area, in their geographic place, in their community. We know the quality of rural life in Hugo is enhanced through citizen knowledge of its history and the sense of community that a historical perspective facilitates.

We believe culture, as one basis for a healthy community, can be an alternative to destructive behavior and a healing force, and that children educated in their history and culture will contribute to the creative workforce of our evolving technological world. In the end, Hugoites will be able to tell the story of cultural growth and cultural impact. Children will see its impact on their learning. Families will see the effect of culture through their local participation and use of resources. Community development will see its impact economically and through greater social involvement and especially pride.

B. Josephine County Historical Society

The mission of the Josephine County Historical Society follows.

"The Josephine County Historical Society is a non-profit, educational association organized to collect, preserve, interpret and research local history and to encourage public interest in the history of Josephine County."

In 1948 a group of citizens concerned with keeping the history of the Applegate Trail and the Rogue Valley alive founded the Josephine County Historical Society. Interest in establishing a Josephine County Historical Society was renewed in 1959, Oregon's Centennial year. Then on August 15, 1960 in the historic Masonic Hall in Kerby the first annual meeting was held.

In May of 1960, the Josephine County Historical Society became a non-profit organization to collect, preserve, exhibit, and interpret local history. The Society moved it's library collection in 1972 from Kerbyville to a temporary space in Grants Pass until 1982 when the house gifted by Anna and Flora Schmidt became the society's headquarters, research library, and house museum. In 1997, the Research Library was settled into a relocated house donated by the Ken Roberts Company and renovated with generous help from the community.

The Historic Sites Committee is charged with recognizing, promoting, and interpreting historic sites within Josephine County. Those site might be as large as a 40-acre cemetery, or as small as a plaque commemorating a town that no long exists. Members of the committee are involved in determining language, location, and style of signage at these locations, as well as documentation and dissemination of information concerning those locations. The Historic Sites Director usually also sits on the Grants pass Historic Buildings and Sites Commission.

For the past several years, the Historic Sites Director has been compiling a database of all markers in all historic cemeteries within Josephine County. This database currently lists over 10,000 burials in 20 cemeteries.

The Josephine County Historical Society supports preservation of the Applegate Trail and is a co-sponsor of this document. However, the Josephine County Historical Society will not actively involvement itself in any quasi-judicial and use proceedings.

C. Goal One Coalition

The Goal One Coalition champions the role of citizens in creating communities that are livable and economies that are sustainable, within a healthy and diverse natural environment.

It advocates for the protection of our waters, farms, rangelands, forests, coasts, and other natural landscapes from loss and degradation.

It works for vibrant, compact cities and economies that provide for everyone equitably.

It helps citizens and citizen groups to organize and advocate effectively, provide information, education and advice about how the land use planning program works, and provide assistance with important issues.

It encourages local governments to invite and welcome citizen participation in planning for economically and ecologically sustainable communities.

The Goal One Coalition’s most important task in building healthy, sustainable communities is to encourage and help people to take charge of their own future.

D. Rogue Advocates

Rogue Advocates champions the sustainability and livability of communities in the Rogue Valley. The Rogue Advocate’s core geographical interests are private lands in Jackson County and Josephine County, but its land use concerns are the Rogue Valley basin-wide.

Historically the biggest threats to realizing sustainable and livable communities were the lack of a dependable, comprehensive review and response to local land use proposals that are not in compliance with sustainability and livability standards. Rogue Advocates’ goal is to fill this gap and address the threats by infusing vision, intelligence, and forethought into local county and city land use planning processes. This vision uses Oregon’s land use laws, environmental laws, science, public education and collaboration, to facilitate the Rogue Valley becoming an example of a sustainable and livable community.

E. Oregon-California Trails Association

The Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA), founded in 1982, is a not-for-profit organization, headquartered in Independence, Missouri, dedicated to education about preservation and enjoyment of the trans-Mississippi emigrant trails. Its mission statement follows.

"Dedicated to the preservation, appreciation, and enjoyment of the emigrant trails of the west."

The OCTA operates a large bookstore dedicated to offering the best available titles on the emigrant experience. It also publishes the scholarly Overland Journal as well as a quarterly newsletter, News From the Plains, both of which are mailed as a benefit of membership. Its Emigrant Trails Historic Studies Series publishes monographs dealing with the emigrant experience. In addition to this website, OCTA sponsors the Overland Trails Mailing List, an Internet discussion list for questions about the 19th century westward emigrant trails.

The OCTA has a mapping emigrant trails (MET) program for locating, verifying, classifying, and plotting emigrant trails based on research methods and procedures covered in its MET field manual. Mapping, marking, and monitoring are the heart of its preservation efforts.

1. Oregon-California Trails Association. July 2002. 4th Edition. Mapping Emigrant Trails MET Manual. Independence, MO.

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© 2012 Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society