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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Title Page
Executive Summary
Federal Register Determinations
Conditions of Approval
Aerial Photography





This assessment has two purposes. Its narrow purpose is to inventory the Proposed Pioneer Meadow Subdivision for the potential of cultural resources associated with the Applegate Trail (Section IV.G.). This inventory is part of a larger program of mapping, marking, and monitoring (three Ms) approximately 18 miles of the Applegate Trail in northern Josephine County from Louse Creek in the south to Grave Creek in the north.1&2

Mapping is rarely of sufficient detail and scope to support trail preservation work. In this work the location down to the tens of feet is important. The location must be "provable" on the ground. Mapping above the 1:24,000 scale used in U.S.G.S. maps is inadequate. Mapping with global position system devices is preferred.1 The trail marking program presently uses wooden stakes. It will eventually use carsonite markers, steel-rail posts, Novalloy panels, and other assorted markers. The third M of the preservation program is monitoring. Monitoring is the activity of individuals or small groups to keep watch over a segment of the trail for adverse impacts and to work with locals to avoid the impact or define mitigation (Section VI.).

The larger purpose of this assessment is to determine if a 1.5 mile segment of the Applegate Trail (i.e., Hugo Tombstone Quarry Section from the East Manzanita I-5 Rest Stop in the south to the emigrant Pleasant Valley Cemetery in the north - see Section IV.F.) qualifies for the National Register of Historic Places as a historic site and/or a historic district; a historic area under Oregon Statewide Goal 5 - Natural Resources, Scenic And Historic Areas, and Open Spaces (see Section III); and/or a historic feature under the Josephine County Comprehensive Plan Goal 7 - Preserve Valuable Limited Resources, Unique Natural Areas and Historic Features (see Section III). The information in this assessment can have a variety of uses, including public education; planning by local, State, or Federal agencies; or publication.

For the Proposed Pioneer Meadow Subdivision and/or the Hugo Tombstone Quarry Section of the Applegate Trail to qualify for the National Register it must meet one of the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation by:

Being associated with an important historic context and

• Retaining historic integrity of those features necessary to convey its significance.

It is assumed that if the Applegate Trail qualified under the standards of the National Register of Historic Places that it would qualify as a historic area under Oregon Statewide Goal 5 - Natural Resources, Scenic And Historic Areas, and Open Spaces; and/or a historic feature under the Josephine County Comprehensive Plan Goal 7 - Preserve Valuable Limited Resources, Unique Natural Areas and Historic Features. If the Hugo Tombstone Quarry Section of the Applegate Trail segment is eligible for listing to the National Register of Historic Places, the next challenge is to complete and submit the National Register Registration Form.

This listing will help citizens of Josephine County know more about their cultural heritage and its value within contemporary society. One of the ways the Hugo Neighborhood aims to best promote the social welfare of its Hugo neighbors is by collecting, preserving, interpreting, and researching its rich local history, and encouraging neighbor’s interest in the history of the Hugo area, in their geographic place, in their community. We know the quality of rural life in Hugo is enhanced through citizen knowledge of its history and the sense of community that a historical perspective facilitates. We believe culture, as one basis for a healthy community, can be an alternative to destructive behavior and a healing force, and that children educated in their history and culture will contribute to the creative workforce of our evolving technological world. In the end, we will be able to tell the story of cultural growth and cultural impact. Children will see its impact on their learning. Families will see the effect of culture through their local participation and use of resources. Community development will see its impact economically and through greater social involvement and especially pride.

Tourism is evolving as a powerful preservation tool in Oregon. The challenge and opportunity is the reuse of the historic Applegate Trail as an economic strategy to encourage historically authentic heritage tourism in Josephine County, and to promote the preservation of this historic cultural resource as an economic tool.

1. Oregon-California Trails Association. July 2002. 4th Edition. Mapping Emigrant Trails MET Manual. Independence, MO.
2. Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society. May 2005. MAPPING ACTION PLAN For Applegate Trail Program, Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee. See Section IV.F. Hugo, OR.
. Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee. September 7, 2006. Applegate Trail Budget Proposal: 2006 - 2007. Hugo, OR.
. Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee. September 7, 2006. Hugo’s Routes, Sections, and Points of Interest of the Applegate Trail. Appendix A to Applegate   Trail Budget Proposal: 2006 - 2007. Hugo, OR.
. Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee. September 7, 2006. USGS Quad - 17 Letter & Number Surname Map Code. Appendix B to Applegate Trail Budget Proposal: 2006 - 2007. Hugo, OR.

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