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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Tombstone Quarry



The overall outline for the cemetery addresses six broad areas.
I.            HISTORY
II.           ISSUES
VI.          ACTIONS
The cemetery history covers its beginning with the Southern Pacific Railroad in the 1880s, its use as a pioneer cemetery, and finally as a continuing operational cemetery by the Pleasant Valley Cemetery Association.
Issues are subjects or questions of concern in management of the cemetery.  Issues can be unresolved questions about management actions and/or a resource or use that may have significant or unacceptable environmental impacts.
Inventories describe the physical, biological, and socioeconomic character of the cemetery.  An assessment of resources that could be affected are emphasized.  Understanding the cemetery’s existing conditions is the basis for identifying potential projects and taking actions.
Networking reflects the idea of stakeholders sharing information. 
Potential projects are an identification of what needs to be done and possible ways of accomplishment.
Actions are what we actually accomplished on the ground.


I.       HISTORY
           A.    Introduction
           B.    Railroad
           C.    Pioneer
           D.    Present

II.       ISSUES

   A.    Survey
   B.    Base Maps/Records
   C.    Preservation
   D.    Interpretation
   E.    Vandalism
   F.    Roads
   G.   Vegetation Maintenance
   H.   Wildfire
   I.     Noxious Weeds
   J.     Signing
   K.    Hazard Trees
   L.    Security
   M.   Education
   N.    Fences


           A.     Introduction
           B.     Historical Maps
           C.    Existing Conditions
                              1.  Lands
                           2.  Climate
                           3.  Geology & Topography
                   4.  Air Resources
                   5.  Soils
                   6.  Water Resources
                   7.  Biological Diversity
                   8.  Vegetation
                           a)   Wildfire Hazard Assessment
                           b)   Noxious Weeds
                   9.  Riparian Zones
                   10. Wildlife/Wildlife Habitat
                   11. Fish
                   12. Special Status (including T&E) Species
                   13. Fire/Fuels/Ecology
                   14. Insect and Disease
                   15. Forest Health
                   16. Special Areas
                   17. Cultural Resources
                           a)   Pioneer Cemetery
                           b)   Residents
                           c)   Stones
                           d)   Markers
                   18.  Aesthetics/Scenic
                   19.  Recreation
                   20.  Timber Resources
                   21.  Transportation
                   22.  Energy & Mineral Resources
                   23.  Socioeconomic Conditions


   A.    Stakeholders
                           1.   Neighbors/Concerned Citizens
                           2.  Pleasant Valley Cemetery Association
                           3.  Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical  Society
                           4.  Josephine County Sheriff’s Office
                           5.  Josephine County Historical Society
                           6.  Josephine Soil Water Conservation District
                           7.  Grants Pass Unit, Oregon Department of Forestry
                           8.  Community Development, Josephine County
                           9.  Oregon Historic Cemeteries Association
           B.     Key Contact List
                  C.     Awareness
                   1.   Status Log
                           2.   Brochures
                   3.   Newspaper Articles
                           4.   Meetings
                   5.   Letters
        VI.      ACTIONS
            A.  Volunteers
                    B.   Grants
                  1.   Grant Proposals
                          2.   Grant Awards
                          3.   Grant Administration
                    C.   Government Actions
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© 2012 Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society