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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society





Pleasant Valley Cemetery Issues and

Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society’s Investigation

June 18 - August 4, 2004


 Officers, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Wayne McKy, Chair
Mike Walker, Education Chair
Hal B. Anthony, Outreach Chair
Jacqueline Hardwick, Treasurer
Karen Rose, Web Master

 Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society’ Mission 

·   Promote Citizen Involvement (Oregon Statewide Goal 1)
·   Promote Education
·   Protect Our Farms and Forests (Oregon Statewide Goals 3 & 4)
·   Protect Our Community’s Rural Quality of Life
·   Preserve Our History

Hugo Neighborhood is an informal nonprofit charitable and educational organization with a land use and history mission promoting the social welfare of its neighbors.  Its land use mission is to promote the social welfare of the citizens of the area by working to preserve, protect, and enhance the livability and economic viability of its farms, forests, and rural neighbors.  Its history mission is to identify, document, interpret, and preserve the cultural resources of our community, especially our local history, and for building public cultural interest and participation in the history of the Hugo area.

 This status table will be periodically updated.
















Shirley Tinney & Jacque Hardwick


Telephone call


Shirley Tinney, Wolf Creek neighbor with Sexton relatives at PVC, telephoned the JCHS and Jan Collins referred Shirley to Jacque Hardwick, Treasurer, HNA&HS, who was doing research at the JCHS.   Tinney was concerned about vandalism; Jacque referred her to the Sharps, PVC Association, and invited her to Hugo History Day IV, June 5, 2004.






Karl “Eric” & Shirley Tinney


Hugo History Day IV


Eric” & Shirley Tinney attended Hugo History Day IV and spoke more to the officers about vandalism at the PVC.






Eric & Shirley Tinney

Hal Anthony, HNA


Telephone call


Hal Anthony, HNA, received telephone call from Tinney’s about vandalism of PVC






Eric & Shirley Tinney

Jacque Hardwick, HNA


Telephone call


Jacque Hardwick, HNA, received telephone call from Tinney’s about vandalism of PVC






Eric & Shirley Tinney

Mike Walker, HNA


Telephone call


Mike Walker, HNA, received telephone call from Tinney’s about vandalism of PVC






Hal Anthony, HNA

Karen Rose, HNA

Eric & Shirley Tinney


Field Trip: PVC


Tinneys, Anthony, and Rose field tour PVC; Rose took pictures of vandalism


1. 061904 Notes by Karen Rose

2.  Photos by Rose




Wayne McKy, HNA

Mike Walker, HNA


Field Trip: PVC


McKy and Walker field tour PVC & meet Tinneys, Anthony, & Rose at PVC; Walker takes pictures


1. 061904 Notes by Karen Rose

3.  Photos by Walker




Wayne McKy, HNA


Telephone call


McKy telephoned Fredrick & Nancy Sharp, PVC







Wayne McKy, HNA


Telephone call


McKy telephoned ??








Wayne McKy, HNA


Telephone call


McKy telephoned ??







Cherryl Walker

Mike Walker, HNA

Mirra Meyer, CCHCInfo




Cherryl Walker emailed Mike Walker about the Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries’ interest in historic cemeteries; Walker responded with:


“The Pleasant Valley Cemetery is a old private pioneer cemetery adjacent to the Applegate National Historic Trail in northern Josephine County.  Many Hugo neighbors are buried there.  The cemetery has several issues of interest to the Hugo Neighborhood:  preservation, interpretation, vandalism, road and vegetation maintenance (brush and noxious weeds), signing, maps, fall hazard trees (dead & dying), fence, cleanup, landscape front of property, land use applications, etc.”


4. 062404 emails between Cherryl Walker and Mike Walker




Wayne McKy, Director


Randi Omley-Tatum



Telephone call


Wayne McKy, Director, Josephine Soil Water Conservation District (JSWCD) contacted Randi Omley-Tatum, Watershed Technical Specialist, JSWCD, about noxious weeds, erosion, and vandalism problems in the PVC


5.  Issue Notes by Randi Omley-Tatum; handouts at 062904 JSWCD




Mike Walker, HNA

Fredrick Sharp, PVC


Telephone call


Walker telephone Sharp about PVC & issue of vandalism; brief discussion about several issues including vandalism and mapping






Sheriff Dave Daniel

Officers, HNA




Letter to Josephine County Sheriff Dave Daniel from HNA&HS identifying concern of vandalism.


6.  062904 HNA&HS Letter




Mike Walker, HNA


Draft brochure


Draft PVC brochure sent to Fredrick & Nancy Sharp, Tinneys, & officers, HNA&HS


7.  PVC Brochure




Directors, JSWCD


Monthy JSWCD Meeting


PVC Cleanup Project was an new business agenda item for JSWCD’s directors monthly meeting.  Decision was to accept a progress report by Director Wayne McKy at next month’s meeting about the possibility of applying for a noxious weed grant.


8.  JSWCD Agenda




Mike Walker, HNA&HS


Field Trip: PVC


Took pictures of scotchbroom


9.  Photos by Walker




Sheriff Dave Daniel

Wayne McKy, HNA&HS


Telephone call


Sheriff Dave Daniel left telephone recording at McKys acknowledging he had received HNA&HS’s letter and would instruction his officers to patrol PVC






Blake & Jacque Hardwick


Field Trip: PVC


The Hardwicks viewed the cemetery and observed:   vandalism, dead trees, noxious weeds, lack of maintenance, broken gate & fence.  Overall conclusion - the need for care is overwhelming. 






Fredrick & Nancy Sharp, PVC

Wayne Holcom, ODF

Wayne McKy, HNA

Mike Walker, HNA

Jacque Hardwick, HNA

Randi Omley-Tatum,



Field Trip: PVC


9:00 a.m. Wayne McKy organized field tour of PVC looking at fire hazard with Wayne Holcom, Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) representative, and other PVC issues with Sharps and JSWCD (vandalism) .  Jacque Hardwick expanded the list of concerns Mike Walker identified June 24th to include: survey, removed dead trees, and new fence.  Asked for an assessment letter from Holcom identifying the level of wildfire risk he observed; he stated he would write the assessment letter.



10.  Photos by Walker




Walker & Sharps




Walker picks up several maps from Nancy Sharp; he will return them to Sharps after he makes copies.


11. 070304 Map Inventory




Walker & Sharps


Field Trip/ Meeting


Walker takes pictures of PVC entrance.  Walker returns maps to Fred Sharp.  They agree to meet next week to further discuss mapping project.


12.  Photos by Walker




McKy & Eric’s Tree Service


Telephone call


McKy telephoned Eric’s Tree Service to get estimate of cutting dead and/or diseased trees at the PVC; McKy left message with receptionist.  She informed McKy she would have him (Eric?) call back.






McKy & Eric’s Tree Service


Telephone call


A representative of Eric’s Tree Service returned McKy’s call; Mcky not home; Eric’s Tree Service will call again.






Bill Gasow, McKy, Walker, Janet McKy, & Stephen McKy


Field Trip:  PVC


Bill Gasow, Director, JSWCD, & forestry consultant, Wayne McKy, Director, JSWCD, Walker, Janet McKy, and Stephen McKy meet at PVC to discuss cemetery issues, especially dead trees and scotchbroom.  Asked Gasow for an issue letter assessing conditions of dead trees and scotchboom growth he observed; he stated he would write the assessment letter.


13.  Walker takes photos




Bruce Bartow & McKy


Telephone call


McKy contacted Bruce Bartow, Community Development, Josephine County, about grants to perform work (e.g. wildfire hazard reduction, etc.) in PVC.  Bartow was receptive to investigate issues and requested to go on a field trip.  Randi Omley-Tatum, Watershed Technical Specialist, JSWCD, will organize field trip.






Jean Boling & Walker


Telephone call


Boling wants to publish a “Mondays Make History” on vandalism to PVC.  Karen Rose and Mike Walker will get her copies of vandalism photos.






Wayne Holcom, ODF, & Wayne McKy, HNA


Telephone call


Holcom called McKy concerning assessment letter; McKy to contact Holcom 07/12/04.


14. 070904 ODF assessment letter completed.




Bob Calciano & Mike Walker


Telephone call


Walker telephoned Bob Calciano, Oregon Historic Cemeteries Association; they agreed to meet July 20, 2004 and share information about their involvement in the PVC.






Larry & Darial McLane, Jacque Hardwick, Karen Rose, & Mike Walker




Jacque, Karen, and Mike visit McLanes at their home.  One history topic discussed was the involvement of the Hugo Neighborhood in the PVC.  The McLanes have a history with the PVC (Darial has relatives staying there).  They have had scotchbroom removal parties and picnics there.  Walker informed Larry that Wayne McKy had taken him to a tombstone in the Trimble plot that he thought was the oldest - Robert Trimble who died 1870.  Larry informed Mike that he thought there was an 1862 Trimble.   McLanes asked to be included in contact list.


Draft PVC Brochure provided to McLanes; 15.  Larry provided the HNA&HS 328 PVC grave names on 14 type written pages.




Wayne Holcomb, Fred Sharp, & Wayne McKy  (Dennis Turco)


Telephone call


McKy talked to Holcom (ODF) about roads in PVC.  The issue is potential wildfire because of weeds in middle of roads.  Mcky will take his tractor and box scraper to PVC and clean center of road of dry grasses; ODF agreed to send fire truck at the same time in case of fire started by tractor.  Holcomb stated that Dennis Turco (ODF) would like to be involved.  McKy talked to Fred Sharp (PVCA) about grading roads for fire prevention; Fred would like to be there.






Shirley Tinney & Karen Rose


Telephone call/Email


Tinney reported that it would cost $825 to repair three Sexton headstones with pin and drill process (Frank, Caroline, and Mary Sexton).


16.  Email from Rose to Walker




Howard Huntington & McKy


Telephone call


McKy contacted Howard Huntington, Grants Pass Daily Courier, about PVC interest and projects.  Howard will speak with editor to get O.K. for a story.  






Bruce Bartow & Randi Omley-Tatum, JSWCD




Randi sent message to Bruce Bartow, Director, Community Development, JO CO about field trip.  July 21 or 22 are possibilities.






Rose Scott & Mike Walker


Telephone call


Walker telephone Rose Scott, Executive Director, Josephine County Historical Society and shared with her the HNA&HS involvement in the PVC; Walker will send her a draft brochure.






Mike Walker


Field trip:



Walker spent 30 minutes in the Trimble grave plot looking for the 1862 Trimble grave.  He found 9 stones in the plot; three of them had probably been vandalized as the marker stones were gone with the bases remaining.  Of the stone left Robert Trimble was the oldest resident - died March 29, 1870.


17.  Photos by Walker




Larry McLane & Walker


Field trip:

Sexton Mt.



Walker hand-delivered “PVC Networking Information Packet One” to Larry McLane.


20.  PVC Networking Information Packet One6




Jean Boling, JCHS


Newspaper Acticle


Mondays Make History column appears with pictures and story on PVC vandalism.  PCVA address given for donations.


21.  July 19, 2004 Monday Makes History Article




Mike Walker


Information Packet Deliveries


Walker hand-delivered “PVC Networking Information Packet One” to: 9 copies to JSWCD (Randi Omley-Tatum); 2 copies to McKy; 1 copy to Anthony; 1 copy to Jacque Hardwick; 1 copy to Karen Rose; 1 copy to Rose Scott; Executive Director, JCHS; 1 copy to Jean Boling, JCHS; left 1 copy with McKy for Holcolm. 


20.  PVC Networking Information Packet One6




Bob Calciano & Mike Walker




Meeting from 9 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., Baldini’s Restaurant in Merlin; Walker hand-delivered “PVC Networking Information Packet One” Calciano


20.  PVC Networking Information Packet One6




McKy, ODF, Nancy Sharp,


Scrapping PVC Roads


PVC from 10:15 a.m. - Noon, Wayne McKy scrapped fire hazard weeds from PVC dirt roads with his tractor; ODF pumper was on standby for initial attack in event of fire.






Mike Walker


Information Packet Mailings


Walker snail mailed “PVC Networking Information Packet One” to Karl “Eric” & Shirley Tinney, Dave Daniel, Sheriff, & Claudette Pruitt.



20.  PVC Networking Information Packet One6




Jean Boling, JCHS, & Jean Metcalf


Telephone call


Read article, is interested in cemetery - has family there.  Will be sending a donation.  Asked about the Crow stones.






Jean Boling, JCHS, & Roger Russell


Telephone call


Read article, is willing to repair stones at cost of supplies.  Boling gave name/number of Fredrick Sharp and asked that Russell speak to him directly






Jean Boling, JCHS, & Rose Scott


Telephone call


Scott received letter from Terri Price Selig, who has family in PVC.  Is willing to make a donation, but wants questions answered re: family plot.  Boling picked up copies of letter.






Bruce Bartow, Wayne McKy, Fredrick Sharp, Bob Calciano, Mike Walker, Jacqueline Hardwick, Wayne Holcom,

Janet & Stephen McKy, Blake Hardwick, Randi Omley-Tatum, Ed & Ann Lyneis, Norbert & Diane Tieman, Kathy Sullivan, Gloria Pittock, & Allen Poole


Field trip:



On the July 21, 2004 field tour a group of 18 people interested in the PVC shared with Bartow, and well as him sharing with them, a variety of issues at the PVC (e.g., preservation, interpretation, vandalism, surveys, fences, road and vegetation maintenance, signing, maps, hazard trees, noxious weeds, wildfire hazard fuels, etc.).   Walker hand-delivered “PVC Networking Information Packet One” to Bruce Bartow and Sharps


At the end of the field tour Bartow observed that there were major community problems at the PVC resulting in many potential projects of merit.  Of special interest to Bartow was reducing or eliminating wildfire fuels and wildfire hazards at the PVC (e.g., understory of brush, scotchbroom, poison oak, and large dead farmable hazard trees, etc.).  He will share the information he learned from his field trip to the PVC and see what might be possible in terms of county assistance.


20.  PVC Networking Information Packet One6


22. Minutes of July 21, 2004 field tour




Jean Boling & Mike Walker


Telephone Call


Boling spoke to Walker re: letter from Terri Selig.  Asked that he make contact w/ Sharps, since he is closer to the action.  Possibly the name will appear on some of the old maps.


23.  Selig letter (July 19, 2004)




Victoria ???, The Daily Courier, Wayne McKy, Fredrick Sharp, Bob & Cheri Calciano, Mike Walker,

Janet & Stephen McKy, Ann Lyneis, Henry & Delores Campbell, Bernie Beck


Field trip:



Wayne McKy had contacted The Daily Courier to see if it was interested in doing an article on the PVC.  On the August 4, 2004 field tour a group of ?? people interested in the PVC shared with Victoria ???, and well as her sharing with them, a variety of issues at the PVC (e.g., preservation, interpretation, vandalism, surveys, fences, road and vegetation maintenance, signing, maps, hazard trees, noxious weeds, wildfire hazard fuels, etc.).   Victoria ??? was going to write an article on the PVC for the Courier.






Cheri Calciano & Mike Walker


Field trip:



Cheri Calciano, Broker, Coldwell Banker, indicated to Mike Walker she could probably make some color copies of the PVC brochure when it was finalized.
























1.  Date of action: communication, event, meeting, etc.

2.  See address and acronym lists

3.  Place: Communications occur via telephone call, email, letter, field trip, etc.

4.  Action/Discussion

5.  References:  any type of documentation of actions/discussion

6.  PVC Networking Information Packet One includes the following.

·  July 15, 2004 Draft-Final “Pleasant Valley Cemetery” brochure 

·  June 18 - July 15, 2004 PVC Issues and HNA&HS’s Investigation Log (6 pages)

·  July 19, 2004 Pleasant Valley Cemetery Issues Contact List (3 pages)

·  June 29, 2004 Letter to Sheriff, JO CO Sheriff’s Office (2 pages)

·  July 3, 2004 Draft - Pleasant Valley Cemetery Map Inventory (4 pages)

·  July 2, 2004 Participant Log (3 pages)

 Jean Boling, July 22, 2004.  Roger Russell, 541-476-4352, Stone repair at cost; family that might have 5-6 plots needing information from Sharpes

 Address List

 See contact list.

 Acronym List 

HNA                        Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
HNA&HS                Hugo Neighborhood
HNA&HS                Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
JCCD                      Josephine County Community Development
JCHS                      Josephine County Historical Society
JSWCD                   Josephine Soil Water Conservation District
OCHC                     Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries  
OHCA                     Oregon Historic Cemeteries Association
ODF                       Oregon Department of Forestry
PVC                       Pleasant Valley Cemetery
PVCA                      Pleasant Valley Cemetery Association
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