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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Key Contact List




Contact List

 Pleasant Valley Cemetery Issues

 July 19 - August 4, 2004

 This contact list is the Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society’s communication and networking list of people interested with the Pleasant Valley Cemetery.  The interests could be singular or overlapping (e.g., preservation, interpretation, vandalism, road and vegetation maintenance, signing, maps, hazard trees, etc.).

 This list will be periodically updated as new contacts are known.

 Officers, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

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Wayne McKy, Chair
Mike Walker, Education Chair
Hal B. Anthony, Outreach Chair
Jacqueline Hardwick, Treasurer
Karen Rose, Web Master

 Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society’s Mission

·   Promote Citizen Involvement (Oregon Statewide Goal 1)
·   Promote Education
·   Protect Our Farms and Forests (Oregon Statewide Goals 3 & 4)
·   Protect Our Community’s Rural Quality of Life
·   Preserve Our History

 Hugo Neighborhood is an informal nonprofit charitable and educational organization with a land use and history mission promoting the social welfare of its neighbors.  Its land use mission is to promote the social welfare of the citizens of the area by working to preserve, protect, and enhance the livability and economic viability of its farms, forests, and rural neighbors.  Its history mission is to identify, document, interpret, and preserve the cultural resources of our community, especially our local history, and for building public cultural interest and participation in the history of the Hugo area.

Contact List

Pleasant Valley Cemetery Issues


July 14, 2004


Wayne McKy, Chair (Primary Contact)
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society &
Director, Josephine Soil and Water Conservation District
6497 Hugo Road
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Web Page:
Fredrick Sharp, President (Primary Contact)
Pleasant Valley Cemetery Association
3232 Galice Road
Merlin, Oregon 97532
Jean Boling, Historic Sites Chair (Primary Contact)
Josephine County Historical Society,
c/o Booth Street Mini-Storage
124 NW Booth Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Hal B. Anthony, Outreach Chair
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
3995 Russell Road
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Web Page:
Mike Walker, Education Chair
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
681 Jess Way (street)
3388B Merlin Rd #195 (mail)
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Web Page:
Jacqueline Hardwick, Treasurer
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
885 Red Mountain Drive
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Web Page:


Karen Rose, Web Master
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
575 Red Mountain Drive
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Web Page:
Nancy Sharp, Secretary
Pleasant Valley Cemetery Association
3232 Galice Road
Merlin, Oregon 97532
Larry & Dariel McLane
Sexton Enterprises
430 Beecher Road
Wolf Creek, Oregon 97497-9758
Karl “Eric” & Shirley Tinney
220 Elst Lane
Glendale, Oregon 97442
Dave Daniel, Sheriff
Josephine County Sheriff’s Office
500 NW 6th Street
Grants Pass Oregon 97526
Wayne Holcom, Forest Unit Supervisor 1
Grants Pass Headquarters
Oregon Department of Forestry
5375 Monument Drive
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Randi Omley-Tatum, Watershed Technical Specialist
Josephine Soil and Water Conservation District
576 NE St.
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Bill Gasow, Director
Josephine Soil and Water Conservation District
576 NE St.
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Claudette Pruitt
260 Sterling Drive
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Bruce Bartow, Director
Community Development
Josephine County Planning Department
510 NW 4th Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
541-????, Ext ????
Ed & Ann Lyneis
5100 Tunnel Loop Road
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Bob Calciano
Oregon Historic Cemeteries Association
P.O. Box 2423
Grants Pass, Oregon 97528
Cell: 218-1591
Bob Calciano
Oregon Historic Cemeteries Association
Cell: 218-1591
PO Box 14279, Portland, OR 97293-0279
Rose Scott, Executive Director
Josephine County Historical Society
512 S.W. 5th Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Kathy Sullivan
8448 Monument Drive
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Cell 660-8889
Neighbor to PVC/July 21, 2004
Gloria Pittock
3700 Babcock Ln. #89
Eugene, OR 97405
Visitor to PVC/Jordon Family/July 21, 2004
Regina Schroeder
10 N Maguine, # 315
Tuson, AZ 85710
Sister to Gloria Pittock/July 21, 2004
Michael Snider, Director
Josephine County Planning Department
510 NW 4th Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
541-474-5421, Ext 3605


Cheri Calciano, Broker
Coldwell Banker
Doran Taylor, Inc.
550 NE “E” Street
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
541-218-1590 Cell
Bernie Beck
Journey’s ‘n Journals
Better Life Television Programs
234 Peppermint Lane                                           
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526                 
Henry & Delores Campbell
3880 Granite Hill Road
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
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