Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society |
Brainstorming issues potentially applicable to the N&T Cemetery Plan follow. Issue 1. Standards & Criteria Identification . Roads . Significance "Archaeological sites are considered significant until their eligibility can be evaluated." (Archaeology Bulletin 1 - Archaeological Sites on Private Lands) . Significance. Preliminary October 12, 2014 Hugo Graves Team Analysis Issue 2. Advocacy Through Organization Issue 3. Grounds Maintenance Issue 4. Vandalism Issue 5. Outreach Issue 6. Historic Character Issue 7. Resources to Interpret Law Issue 8. Inventories/Status . Archaeological, historical, prehistoric or anthropological nature? . Historic cemetery status? . Archaeological site status? . Human remains status? . Grave markers as memorials to the dead status? . Platted cemetery status? . Dedicated cemetery status? . Tax lot status? . Private land status? . Ownership status? (e.g., no known owners - private landowners permission letter, etc.) Issue 9. Historic Cemeteries Discontinued/Impacted . Proposals to remove dedication of historic cemetery property? . Proposals to discontinue historic cemetery property? . Proposals to abandon historic cemetery property? . Proposals to have remains removed and/or relocated from the burial ground or historic cemetery property? . Proposals to disturb historic cemetery property through road construction? . Proposals to removal of any historic burials coordinated with a professional archaeologist who has obtained a state archaeological permit? . Proposals to excavate or alter an archaeological site, or remove any material of an archaeological, historical, prehistoric or anthropological nature without first obtaining a permit issued by the State Parks and Recreation Department? Issue 10. Other Issues? IV. HuNAHSs OUTREACH . Trust Fund |
© 2012 Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society |