| Hugo History Day XI - Railroading Hugo
| Date - June 4, 2011 - flyer |
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibits - 9am to 10am |
| Presentations - 10am to 11am
| History of O & C Railroad Prior to 1883 by Mike Walker |
| Hugo Railroad History: 1883 - 1955 by Karen Rose |
| Southern Oregon Railroad Man by Wayne McKy |
| Storytelling - 11am to 12 noon |
| Potluck Social - 12 noon to 1pm |
| Raffle - 1pm to 1:30pm |
| Virtual Field Trip - 1:30pm to 3:30pm |
| Hugo History Day X - Auto Camps and Service
Stations Around Hugo
| Date - June 5, 2010 - flyer |
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibits - 9am to 10am |
| Presentations - 10am to 11am
| Hugo's Regional Auto Camps & Gas Stations: 1910 -
1960 by Karen Rose |
| Development of Pacific Highway/U.S. 99 Highway System by
Mike Walker |
| Oxyoke Road Triangular Concrete Milepost No. 268 by Larry
McStravog |
| Naming of Monument Drive: 1960 by Allen Poole |
| Hamilton One Stop by Faye Wingerd Poole |
| Wildwood Auto Court by Dick Malisch |
| Oxyoke Service Station by Mike Walker |
| Hick's Auto Camp/Court Conway by Jon Whalen |
| Sexton Mt. Auto Camp by Wayne McKy |
| Storytelling - 11am to 11:30am |
| Raffle - 11:30am to 12:00 noon |
| Potluck Social - 12:00 to 1:00pm |
| Field Trip - 1:30pm to 3:30pm |
| Hugo History Day IX - "Pear-a-dise
Fancy Pack" - Orcharding in ol'Hugo
| Date - June 6, 2009 - flyer
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibits - 9am-10am |
| Presentations - Orcharding in ol'Hugo by Wayne McKy &
Mike Walker, Metal Detecting Training Course by Mike Walker and Jon Whalen |
| Storytelling - 11am to 11:30am |
| Raffle - 11:30am to 12 noon |
| Potluck Social - 12 noon |
| Field Trip to Peterson Ranch - 1:30pm to 3:30pm |
| Hugo History Day VIII - "Stones &
Bones" - Pleasant Valley Cemetery & Granite Tombstone Quarry
| Date - June 7, 2008 - flyer |
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibits |
| Raffle Throughout the Morning |
| Presentations - Pleasant Valley Cemetery by Jean Boling
& Granite Tombstone Quarry by Mike Walker 10am to 11am |
| Storytelling - 11am to 11:30am |
| Raffle - 11:30am to 12 noon |
| Potluck Social - 12 noon |
| Field Trip to the Pleasant Valley Cemetery with special
Color Guard Flag Ceremony by the Young Marines and also Living History Players reenactment
of some residents of the cemetery |
| Hugo History Day VII - Applegate Trail II
| Date - June 2, 2007 - flyer |
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibits - Applegate Trail Project, etc. - 9am to 10am |
| Raffle Throughout the Day |
| Presentation - Applegate Trail - 10am to 11am |
| Storytelling - 11am to 11:30am |
| Raffle - 11:30am to 12 noon |
| Potluck Social - 12 noon |
| Field Trip to Applegate Trail at Mt. Sexton - 1:30pm to
3:30pm |
| Hugo History Day VI - Applegate Trail I
| Date - June 3, 2006 - flyer
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibits - Applegate Trail Project, etc. - 9am to 10am
| Raffle Throughout the Day |
| Presentation - Applegate Trail - 10am to 11am |
| Marking and Mapping |
| Diaries & Journals |
| Local History of The Applegate Trail and the Emigrant
Family of George Harris |
| Storytelling - 11am to 11:30 am |
| Raffle - 11:30am to 12 noon |
| Potluck Social - 12 noon |
| Field Trip to Applegate Trail at Harris Flat - 1:30pm to
3:30pm |
| Hugo History Day V - Sharing Hugo Memories
| Date - June 4, 2005 - flyer |
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibit/display viewing time |
| Presentations
| Special Presentation - Pleasant Valley Cemetery by Wayne
McKy |
| "Sharing Hugo Memories" by Karen Rose |
| Neighbors will be sharing with neighbors their old photos,
stories or memorabilia. |
| Potluck Social - 12 noon |
| Raffle |
| Plenty of time for viewing our many historic displays |
| Hugo History Day IV - Pioneer Days
| Date - June 5, 2004 |
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club, 6050 |
| Exhibits - various |
| Presentations
| Namesake of Hugo: Hugo Garber by Jacque Hardwick |
| Travelers From Sunny Valley To Hugo & Back by Larry
McLane, author of First There was Twogood |
| Hugo Native Wild Flowers by Mike Brassill & Lorena
Chapman |
| Hugo Homesteads, Donation Land Claims, Military Warrents,
and Cash Entries by Mike Walker |
| Will & Clara Davis General Store in Hugo by Jacque
Hardwick |
| Early Mountain, Oregon by Bonita Spencer |
| Neighborhood Association Web Site by Karen Rose |
| Pioneer Sexton Family History by Karen Rose |
| Finger Food Potluck Social |
| Field Tour
| 1850's location of widow Caroline (Niday) Sexton, Hugo
Indian survivor and pioneer........Courtesy of Kristin Boyce |
| Special Guests - Living History Players from the Josephine
County Historical Society
| Caroline "Niday" Sexton, Hugo Indian war survivor
and pioneer, by Jean Boling. |
| Fred Dingler, Hugo Railroad Section Foreman from 1909-1920,
by John Pugmire. |
| Special Displays
| 1920 Ford Touring Car by Norbert P. & Diane Tieman
dressed in period clothes. |
| Hugo Volunteer Fire Truck by Dick Smith - Hands on demo |
| Special Events
| Hugo History Day III
| Date - June 7, 2003 |
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibits - various |
| Presentations
| Hugo Memories........by Jon Whalen, Storyteller |
| Hugo Community Church Journals........by Art Chatham |
| Native Wild Flowers........by Mike Brassill & Lorena
Chapman |
| Know Your Land's Hugo Pioneer........by Ellie McCoy |
| Famous Orchards........by Wayne McKy |
| History of the Ladies Club........by Julie Waller |
| Field Tours - none |
| Finger Food Potluck Social |
| Hugo History Day II - Lucky Queen
| Date - May 25, 2002 |
| Location - Hugo Ladies Club |
| Exhibits - various |
| Presentations
| Local Indian History........by Karen Rose |
| Pictorial History of Hugo Supply Company/Hugo Hitching
Post........by Blake & Jacque Hardwick |
| Hugo History........by Wayne McKy and Old-timers |
| Hugo Ladies Club History........by Mike Walter |
| Field Tours
| Lucky Queen/Hugo School: 1894 - 1912........Courtesy of
Hugo Ladies Club |
| Hugo Elementary School: 1912 - 1967........Courtesy
of Charlie and Betty Ledbetter. |
| Hugo Community Baptist Church: 1910 -
2002........Courtesy of Church Elders |
| Finger Food Potluck Social |
| Hugo History Day I - Three Pines' History Day
| Date - June 11, 2001 |
| Location - Jesse and Joy Lee Walker (Mike's parents) house |
| Exhibits - various |
| Presentations - by various people |
| Field Tours
| Donation Land Claim: 1850-1855 |
| Road to Illinois Valley via Vannoy's Ferry |
| Three Pines Timber Company Flume: 1910 - 1917 |
| Kolkow Gas Station |
| Vanderbilt/Ward/Dickerson home |
| Town of Three Pines |
| Ludwick/Athey home |
| Three Pines Oil Exploration Well |
| Three Pines Planing Mill |
| Southern Pacific Railroad |
| Finger Food Potluck Social |