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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

What Are Resource Lands?
Woodlot Resource To Non-Resource Lands
Evaluation: Internal Rate of Return - IRR
Top IRR Rated Agricultural Lands
Non-rated Soils & IRR System
Quasi-Judicial Plan Amendments
Compliance With Goal 3 -- Agricultural Lands
Compliance With Goal 4 - Forest Lands
Brown Report: IRR Zoning
Composite IRR



Brochure 1 in IRR Series
December 22, 2003
Land Use Committee
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
Member of the CACNA Coalition



Resource Lands In Oregon resource lands are defined by five statewide goals.1

Goal 3 - Agricultural Lands
Goal 4 - Forest Lands
Goal 16 - Estuarine Resources
Goal 17 - Coastal Shorelands
Goal 18 - Beaches and Dune

Farm and Forest In general most lands east of the Coast Range have only two types of resource lands: agricultural and forest.

Soil Surveys The Natural Resource Conservation Service soil surveys are the main or most readily available, and most universally accepted, source of information regarding farm and forest capabilities. The soil surveys not only provide what is often the only data available; the methodology used in the soil surveys serves as the bench mark for gathering new or additional data. Any "expert" can go out and collect "primary source" data as long as trespass is not involved.

Redesignated Lands There are two ways that resource lands can be redesignated for nonresouces uses (i.e., "exception land" and "nonresource land").

Exception Lands

Exceptions The state requirements for redesignation of resource land to exception land are covered by the three types of exceptions set forth in Oregon Statewide Goal 2, Part II - Exceptions.

Nonresource Lands

Exception lands are still resource lands, but they are no longer protected by the goals because an "exception" has been taken, because there are "reasons" for using the land for non-resource purposes, because the lands are already "built" to accommodate nonresource uses not allowed by the goals, or because they are "committed" to nonresource uses because of adjacent or nearby nonresource development.

Nonresource Lands What are nonresource lands? Nonresource land is land not subject to the statewide Goals listed in OAR 660-004-0010(1)(a) through (f) except subsection (c).3

The state requirements for redesignation of resource land to nonresource land is addressed by omission. Resource land can be redesignated nonresource if it can be established that the land does not meet either the Goal 3 definition of farmland or the Goal 4 definition of forestland.

More Information. Would you like to learn more about citizen involvement in land use planning? Contact a member of the Land Use Committee of the Hugo Neighborhood.

Disclaimer. This brochure is as much about providing information and provoking questions as it is about opinions concerning the adequacy of findings of fact and land use decisions. It does not provide recommendations to citizens and it is not legal advice. It does not take the place of a lawyer. If citizens use information contained in this paper, its their personal responsibility to make sure that the facts and general information contained in it are applicable to their situation. (Link)

1. OAR 660-004-0005(2) "Resource Land" is land subject to the statewide Goals listed in OAR 660-004-0010(1)(a) through (f) except subsection (c); OAR 660-004-0010.
2. OAR 660-004
3. OAR 660-004-0005(3)

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