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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Citizen Involvement
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Citizen Involvement Definitions

The definitions for the 19 state-wide goals are at:

This is where you will find citizen involvement DEFINITIONS for the goals.


Any individual within the planning area; any public or private entity or association within the planning area, including corporations, governmental and private agencies, associations, firms, partnerships, joint stock companies and any group of citizens.


A group of citizens organized to help develop and maintain a comprehensive plan and its land use regulations. Local governments usually establish one such group for each neighborhood in a city or each district in a county. CACs may also be known as neighborhood planning organizations, area advisory committees, or other local terms. CACs convey their advice and concerns on planning issues to the planning commission or governing body. CACs also convey information from local officials to neighborhood and district residents.


A state committee appointed by the Land Conservation and Development Commission to advise that commission on matters of citizen involvement, to promote public participation in the adoption and amendment of the goals and guidelines, and to assure widespread citizen involvement in all phases of the planning process. CIAC is established in accordance with ORS 197.160.


A program established by a city or county to ensure the extensive, ongoing involvement of local citizens in planning. Such programs are required by Goal 1, "Citizen Involvement," and contain or address the six components described in that goal.


A local group appointed by a governing body for these purposes: assisting the governing body with the development of a program that promotes and enhances citizen involvement in land use planning; assisting in the implementation of the citizen involvement program; and evaluating the process being used for citizen involvement. A CCI differs from a citizen advisory committee (CAC) in that the former advises the local government only on matters pertaining to citizen involvement and Goal 1. A CAC, on the other hand, may deal with a broad range of planning and land use issues. Each city or county has only one CCI, whereas there may be several CACs.

Oregon Statewide Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement

Citizen participation is a hallmark of Oregon’s planning program. Citizens must be kept informed. Each city and county plan includes a citizen involvement program, which describes how the public can participate in each phase of the planning process. Local governments must periodically evaluate their efforts to involve citizens, and, if necessary, update their programs. These requirements are established in Goal 1, Citizen Involvement.

1. A Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) be established to monitor citizen involvement.

2. A Citizen Involvement Program (CIP) be adopted, providing for involvement in all phases of the planning process.

3. The CIP be reviewed periodically to assure that opportunities continue to be provided.

ORS 197 established the state's Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) to advise the Land Conservation and Development Commission and local governments on matters pertaining to citizen involvement. CIAC is a permanent committee established by this statute.

(1) ORS 197.160 State Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee; city and county citizen advisory committees. (1) To assure widespread citizen involvement in all phases of the planning process:

(a) The Land Conservation and Development Commission shall appoint a State Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee, broadly representative of geographic areas of the state and of interests relating to land uses and land use decisions, to develop a program for the commission that promotes and enhances public participation in the adoption and amendment of the goals and guidelines.

(b) Each city and county governing body shall submit to the commission, on a periodic basis established by commission rule, a program for citizen involvement in preparing, adopting and amending comprehensive plans and land use regulations within the respective city and county. Such program shall at least contain provision for a citizen advisory committee or committees broadly representative of geographic areas and of interests relating to land uses and land use decisions.

(c) The State Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee appointed under paragraph (a) of this subsection shall review the proposed programs submitted by each city and county and report to the commission whether or not the proposed program adequately provides for public involvement in the planning process, and, if it does not so provide, in what respects it is inadequate.

(2) The State Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee is limited to an advisory role to the commission. It has no express or implied authority over any local government or state agency. [1973 c.80 s.35; 1981 c.748 s.25; 1983 c.740 s.49]

CIAC is an advisory body. It has no explicit or implied authority over any local government or state agency. It does not set policy or review local land use plans or decisions.

The CIAC has eight volunteer members, one from each of Oregon's five Congressional Districts and three chosen at large. Committee members are appointed to four-year terms by the LCDC.

CIAC's chair is elected by the Committee's members, for a term of one year. The committee meets bi-monthly in Salem.

Staff support is provided by the state's Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD).

Oregon Revised Statutes for Land Use Planning

The Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) are maintained by the Oregon State Legislature at

1. Subdivisions and Partitions (ORS 92)
2. Local Land Use Coordination (ORS 195)

3. Comprehensive Land Use Planning Coordination (ORS 197)

4. County Planning and Zoning (ORS 215)
5. City Planning and Zoning (ORS 227)

6. ORS 197.763 Conduct of Local Quasi-judicial Land Use Hearings; Notice Requirements; Hearing Procedures7. ORS 197.830 Review procedures; standing; deadlines; issues subject to review; attorney fees and costs; publication of orders; mediation.

7. ORS Chapter 215 — County Planning; Zoning; Housing Codes MAY APPLY FOR A PERMIT

ORS 215.416 (1) When required or authorized by the ordinances, rules and regulations of a county, an owner of land may apply in writing to such persons as the governing body designates, for a permit, in the manner prescribed by the governing body. The governing body shall establish fees charged for processing permits at an amount no more than the actual or average cost of providing that service. See all of ORS 215.416.


ORS 227.175 Application for permit or zone change; fees; consolidated procedure; hearing; approval criteria; decision without hearing.

9. Scope of Review: Land Use Board of Appeals

ORS 197.835 Scope of review. (1) The Land Use Board of Appeals shall review the land use decision or limited land use decision and prepare a final order affirming, reversing or remanding the land use decision or limited land use decision. The board shall adopt rules defining the circumstances in which it will reverse rather than remand a land use decision or limited land use decision that is not affirmed. See all of ORS 197.835.

Oregon Administrative Rules

Oregon Statewide Goal One - Citizen Involvement. OAR 660-015-0000(1)

Oregon State Bar Continuing Legal Education, LAND USE (Land Use, CLE 1994 & Supp 2000)

Josephine County Citizen Involvement Plan (Ordinance 93-13)

Josephine County Comprehensive Plan
Josephine County Rural Land Development Code

HNA&HS’s Standing Paper - Citizen "Standing" Is Critical II: An Issue Paper

Adversely Affected and/or Aggrieved Parties

March 25, 2004 Josephine County Planning Department Handout Entitled, "QUESTIONS TO ASK ABOUT PARTY STATUS"

January 1, 2004 Letter to Director, Josephine County Planning Department from HNA&HS on Adversely Affected and Aggrieved Notice Lists


Citizen Involvement Issues


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