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- Co-Sponsor Rogue Advocates
- Co-Sponsor Hugo Neighborhood Association &
Historical Society
- Co-Sponsor Goal One Coalition
What is effective land use testimony training? Mostly it
is about involvement and responsible leadership in neighborhood communities. First and
foremost, the effective land use testimony training program promotes neighbors
representing themselves in land use. There are four legs to the platform of effective land
use testimony.
- 1. Citizen Involvement by Neighbors
- 2. Education of Individuals & Community
- 3. Local Leadership for All Interests & Issues of
- 4. Strong Responsible Representation
Neighbor Champions Take Responsibility
Take responsibility. Verify the proposed land development
activity. Learn the facts. Investigate any potential impacts of the proposal to community?
Network. Lead by example. Discuss any issues and concerns with planning staff. Be sure of
your facts when presenting or preparing comments. Stick to the issues, standards, and/or
criteria of the land use application. Testimony that does not address the issues and
standards and/or criteria for approval does not have to be considered by the decision
Effective Land Use Testimony Training Program
The "Effective Land Use Testimony Training
Program" became formal in 2013 when it was co-sponsored by three organizations: Rogue
Advocates, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society (Hugo Neighborhood), and
the Goal One Coalition. These organizations have their roots in promoting citizen
involvement. The focus is education through neighbors sharing their knowledge and
activities with their communities and leadership development in land use.
Hugo Neighborhood
The Hugo Neighborhood is an informal nonprofit charitable
and educational organization of unpaid volunteers with a land use and history mission
promoting the social well-being of its neighbors by working to champion Oregon Statewide
Goal 1 Citizen Involvement, and by preserving, protecting, and enhancing the
livability and economic viability of its farms, forests, and rural neighbors. The mission
of the Hugo Neighborhood follows.
Land Use
- Promote Citizen Involvement (Oregon Statewide Goal
- Promote Education
- Protect Our Farms and Forests (Oregon Statewide
Goals 3 & 4)
- Protect Our Communitys Rural Quality of Life
- Preserve Our Local History (preserving,
documenting, promoting & interpreting)
- Promote Education
- Promote Analysis of Local Cultural Resources
(Oregon Statewide Goal 5 & Josephine County Comprehensive Plan, Goal 7)
One of the ways the Hugo Neighborhood aims to best
promote the social welfare of its Hugo neighbors is by collecting, preserving,
interpreting, and researching its rich local history, and encouraging neighbors
interest in the history of the Hugo area, in their geographic place, in their community.
We know the quality of rural life in Hugo is enhanced through citizen knowledge of its
history and the sense of community that a historical perspective facilitates.
We believe culture, as one basis for a healthy community,
can be an alternative to destructive behavior and a healing force, and that children
educated in their history and culture will contribute to the creative workforce of our
evolving technological world. In the end, Hugoites will be able to tell the story of
cultural growth and cultural impact. Children will see its impact on their learning.
Families will see the effect of culture through their local participation and use of
resources. Community development will see its impact economically and through greater
social involvement and especially pride.
Like history, land use involvement by neighbors
facilitates community. One of the Hugo Neighborhoods passions is to have meaningful
public involvement and, therefore, an "informed public" and "informed
decision-makers" when it comes to land use decisions in the Hugo community and in
Josephine County. In a nut-shell the NHA thinks an effective citizen involvement program
would facilitate planning decisions which better reflect the desires of the community. We
believe an effective program will also decrease later conflicts. It started implementing
its values when in September 20, 2000 it filed a citizen-initiated enforcement order
petition on citizen involvement (OAR Chapter 660, Division 045) with Josephine County
Board of County Commissioners (Attachment 1).
The Hugo Neighborhood would start informal training for
neighbors on how to represent themselves around 2005. This happened on an informal basis
in neighbors homes. This training setting is still the focus - neighbors learning by
sharing in their homes.
- Land Use - Citizen Involvement
- http://www.hugoneighborhood.org/citizen.htm
- Citizen Involvement Issues
- http://www.hugoneighborhood.org/Citizen_Involvement_Series.htm
Rogue Advocates
Rogue Advocates champions the sustainability and
livability of communities in the Rogue Valley. The Rogue Advocates core
geographical interests are private lands in Jackson County and Josephine County, but its
land use concerns are the Rogue Valley basin-wide.
Historically the biggest threats to realizing sustainable
and livable communities were the lack of a dependable, comprehensive review and response
to local land use proposals that are not in compliance with sustainability and livability
standards. Rogue Advocates goal is to fill this gap and address the threats by
infusing vision, intelligence, and forethought into local county and city land use
planning processes. This vision uses Oregons land use laws, environmental laws,
science, public education and collaboration, to facilitate the Rogue Valley becoming an
example of a sustainable and livable community.
Goal One Coalition
The Goal One Coalition champions the role of citizens in
creating communities that are livable and economies that are sustainable, within a healthy
and diverse natural environment.
It advocates for the protection of our waters, farms,
rangelands, forests, coasts, and other natural landscapes from loss and degradation.
It works for vibrant, compact cities and economies that
provide for everyone equitably.
It helps citizens and citizen groups to organize and
advocate effectively, provide information, education and advice about how the land use
planning program works, and provide assistance with important issues.
It encourages local governments to invite and welcome
citizen participation in planning for economically and ecologically sustainable
The Goal One Coalitions most important task in
building healthy, sustainable communities is to encourage and help people to take charge
of their own future.
- A. Local Government
- Planning Department
- Josephine County, Oregon
- http://www.co.josephine.or.us/SectionIndex.asp?SectionID=127
- Josephine County Ordinances are local law (e.g.,
comprehensive plan, rural land development code, citizen involvement plan and citizen
involvement committee, etc.).
- . Josephine
- . JO CO RLDC, Chapter 3
Hearing Rules, 2005
Program & By-Laws For CI Committee (CIC) Ordinance 93-13. 1993
- . JO CO CIP Citizen
Involvement Program Ord. 93-13, 1993
- . JO CO CIC Citizen
Involvement Committee By-Laws Ord. 93-13, 1993
- . JO CO CIP Ordinance 85-1. 1991
- Josephine County Planning Office policy interprets local
law, but does not have the force of law when it goes beyond the original law.
- . JO CO
Planning Office Policy Memo Comprehensive Enforcement, 2000
- . JO
CO Planning Office Policy Comprehensive Requirements For Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC),
2003, No Author
- . JO CO Planning
Office Policy Model CAC Charter, No date & No Author
- . JO CO
Planning Office Policy Steps For Forming CAC, No Date
- B. State Government
- . Putting the People
in Planning: A Primer on Public Participation in Planning. Oregon Department of
Land Conservation & Development. 3rd Edition, May 2008
- . An
Introductory Guide to Land Use Planning for Small Cities and Counties in Oregon.
DLCD. 2007
- . How to Testify at
Land Use Hearings. DLCD. 2006
- . Citizen
Initiated Enforcement Orders. DLCD. 2000
- . How to Keep the People in Planning: A Legislative
History of the Oregon Experience in Limiting SLAPPs. DLCD. 1999.
- Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
(DLCD) http://www.oregon.gov/lcd/Pages/index.aspx
- Resources: Publications
- http://www.oregon.gov/LCD/Pages/publications.aspx
- C. Federal Government
- E. Private
- 1000 Friends of Oregon
- http://www.friends.org/resources/reports
- Oregonians In Action
- http://www.oia.org/
- Land Use
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- http://www.hugoneighborhood.org/landuse.htm
- Citizen Involvement In Land Use
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- http://www.hugoneighborhood.org/citizen.htm
- Citizen Involvement Issues
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- http://www.hugoneighborhood.org/Citizen_Involvement_Series.htm
- 1000 Friends of Oregon
- . The
Citizens Guide to Land Use Appeals. 1000 Friends of Oregon. 2009
- Oregon State University
- . How Have Land-Use Regulations Affected Property Values
in Oregon?
Oregon State University Extension Service.
- Rogue Advocates, Goal One Coalition, & Hugo
Neighborhood Association & Historical Society Publications
- . Legislative History of
Statutory Provisions Regulating Fees for Local Appeals and Transcripts. 2003.
- . Poll
Taxes on Citizen Involvement
- . Perils
of An Applicant-Driven User Fee Funded Planning Office. 2006.
- . Local Appeal Fees. 2006
- . Legislative History of
Statutory Provisions Regulating Fees for Local Land Use Applications, Land Use Appeals and
Transcripts. 2006.
- . For the Record, or Not
February 2007.
- . Assessment
of Proposed Pioneer Meadows Subdivision Containing Applegate Trail Resources. 2007.
- . BLM
Necessary Forest Lands Issue. 2009 - 2011.
- . Role of Hearing
Bodies in Quasi-Judicial Land Use Proceedings. 2007.
- . When Attorney Fees
Can Have a Chilling Effect on Good Faith Claims and Defenses. 2005.
- . Land Use Expert Witness Program
- Example Documents Pertaining To Objections To The Record
- . 2009
Example of Time Taken For "Objections to the Record" Process
- . 2009 Precautionary
Objection To Record
- . 2009
Precautionary Objection To Record Exhibit A
- . 2009
Objection To Record
- . 2009 Objection To Record
Exhibit A
- . 2009 Objection To
Supplement To Record
- . 2009
Record Published Order LUBA No. 2008-224 July 27, 2009
- . 2009
Record Published Order LUBA No. 2008-224 September 8, 2009
- . June 26, 2014 Letter/Email
Testimony to Hearing Body, the Josephine County Board of County Commissioners, from Walker
on Testimony "Item" Record Process
- Other Resources
- . Land Use Case
Review: A Review of Significant LUBA, Oregon Court of Appeals, Oregon Supreme Court and
Federal Cases. Daniel H. Kearns, Michael C. Robinson, & Edward J. Sullivan for
Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association. 2010
- . How to Win Land
Development Issues. Richard D. Klein, Community & Environmental. 2003
- F. Representation
- 1. Land Use Disclaimer Land use publications (e.g.,
letters, local government land use comments, brochures, citizen issue papers, LUBA
appeals, newspaper articles, etc.) of the sponsors (i.e., Hugo Neighborhood Association
& Historical Society, Rouge Advocates, and Goal One Coalition) are as much about
providing information and provoking questions as they are about opinions of the sponsors
concerning land use issues and concerns.
- They do not provide legal recommendations to citizens and
they are not legal advice. They do not take the place of a lawyer. If citizens use
information contained in these publications, it is their personal responsibility to make
sure that the facts and general information contained in them are applicable to their
situation. The Hugo Neighborhood Association and Historical Society assumes no liability
for information provided.
- 2. Local Land Use Representation
- Local Representation
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- http://www.hugoneighborhood.org/BROCHURE_Representation_010507.pdf
- One of the most important functions of a land use
organization is keeping the resources and efforts focused on the charity or
non-profits land use mission. Decisions regarding the organizations funds and
activities must promote the organizationss public purpose rather than private
interest. Individual members (persons) may represent its land use mission and may
represent neighbors (persons), on local land use applications on a case-by-case basis.
- In 2005 LUBA in Neighbors 4 Responsible Growth was
not aware of any requirements that persons can not be represented by other persons in
local land use proceedings. LUBA observed that it is common for individuals in local land
use proceedings (applicants and opponents alike) to appear through other individual
persons. Applicants for land use approval frequently appear through and are represented by
engineers, planners and other non-lawyer professional individuals. Individual supporters
or opponents of land use applications often appear on behalf of other individual
supporters or opponents. Individuals (persons) can represent other persons and artificial
entities (persons like associations and organizations) in local land use proceedings. In
summary, LUBA was not aware of a legal prohibition on an artificial person appearing for
and representing other persons in a local land use proceeding, and rejected the argument
that LUBA should impose such a requirement.
- LUBAs administrative rules require that individuals
appear before LUBA on their own behalf or be represented by an attorney. OAR
661-010-0075(6). Artificial entities wishing to participate in an appeal at LUBA must
appear through and be represented by a lawyer.
- . Neighbors 4 Responsible Growth v. City of Veneta,
50 Or LUBA 745 (2005)
- . Neighbors 4 Responsible Growth v. City of Veneta,
___ Or LUBA ___ (LUBA No. 2005-109, Order, November 23, 2005), slip op 5. http://www.oregon.gov/LUBA/docs/orders/2005/11-05/05109.pdf
- . Neighbors 4 Responsible Growth v. City of Veneta,
____ Or LUBA ____ (LUBA No. 2005-109, February 26, 2006. http://www.oregon.gov/LUBA/docs/opinions/2006/02-06/05109.pdf
- Authors of Petition For Review Per Jaffer
v. City of Monmouth, "Intervenor moves to strike the petition for review.
Intervenor contends the petition for review was "written by a very experienced land
use attorney," and speculates that the petition for review was not written by the
nine pro se petitioners who signed as authors of the brief. At oral argument
petitioner Bob Rice thanked intervenor for the backhanded compliment. However, he stated
that the pro se petitioners were indeed the authors of the petition for review.
Intervenor appeared to withdraw the motion at oral argument. However, LUBA observed that
even if the motion was not withdrawn, intervenor offers no basis for questioning
petitioner Rices contention that the pro se petitioners who signed the
petition for review are it authors."
- In response to Jaffer v. City of Monmouth , Jim
Just, Executive Director, Goal One Coalition, stated with conviction, " There aren't
any such standards, and there is no case law. The whole thing was absurd. There's no
requirement that any petitioner actually write his or her own brief - only that a pro-se
cannot submit a brief on behalf of anyone else. LUBA should have come right out and said
there's no basis in law for the principle that a person signing the brief must be its
- Jaffer v. City of Monmouth, ____ Or LUBA ____ (LUBA
No. 2005-123, April 14, 2006)
- http://www.oregon.gov/LUBA/docs/opinions/2006/04-06/05123.pdf
- Per Neighbors 4 Responsible Growth v. City of Veneta,
Josephine County represents the norm with a policy which officially permits "limited
power of attorney" (Limited Power of Attorney Form, Josephine County, http://www.co.josephine.or.us/Page.asp?NavID=378)
for persons to demonstrate they are appearing for and/or representing other persons,
including the land use applicant. However, it is assumed that the standard for
representation at local land use proceedings identified in Neighbors 4 Responsible
Growth v. City of Veneta would prevail over Josephine Countys requirement.
- 3. Legal Representation At LUBA The following on
legal representation at LUBA is from LUBAs FAQ No. 1 & FAQ No. 3 (Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQs), Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals, http://www.oregon.gov/LUBA/Pages/FAQ.aspx).
- Question 1: What is LUBA and what does it do?
- Answer: The Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) was
established by the Oregon Legislature in 1979. LUBA hears and rules on appeals of land use
decisions made by local governments and special districts. LUBA is the only forum that can
hear appeals of local land use decisions. The circuit courts no longer can hear such
appeals. LUBA consists of three Board members who are appointed by the Governor. They are
attorneys who are experts in land use planning law.
- Question 3: Must every party in a LUBA appeal have an
- Answer: No. An individual person may represent himself or
herself in a LUBA appeal, but may not represent others unless that individual is an
attorney admitted to practice in the State of Oregon. A group, organization or corporation
must be represented by an attorney who is admitted to practice in the State of
- An attorney can be helpful in LUBA appeals because the
issues are often complex. The Oregon State Bar operates a lawyer referral service at
1-800-452-8260 ext. 408. The service will give you the name of one attorney with a special
interest in land use law and will guarantee an initial office consultation at not more
than $35.
- Lawyer Referral Service
- Oregon State Bar
- https://www.osbar.org/public/ris/
- A. Talent 4 Clean Air
& Water: June 19, 2013
- B. Sunny Valley: May 2,
- C.
- See June 19, 2013 Talent 4 Clean Air & Water Training
Workshop on Effective Land Use Testimony at http://www.hugoneighborhood.org/talent4cleanairandwater.htm.
- A. Oregon Statewide Goal One - Citizen Involvement
- B. Role of Hearing Bodies in Quasi-Judicial Land Use
- C. Oregon Statues & Rules
- D. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to LUBA
- E. LUBA Headnotes Index (Land Use Issues Index)
- F. Effective Land Use Training (ELUT) Resources
- G. Examples of Effective Land Use Testimony (ELUT)
- H. Index of Land Use Issues
- I. Citizen Enforcement Orders
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