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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Rural Fire Protection District Exploratory Committee
Justice System Exploratory Committee



Mission:   An independent Rural Fire Protection District (RFPD) Exploratory Committee (Exploratory Committee) to investigate the potential for forming a RFPD in the general Merlin-Hugo region was formed in the fall of 2007.

Big picture ideas for the exploratory effort include the following.
1. Identifying a range of boundaries for potential RFPD(s).
2. Identifying a range in level of services from potential RFPD(s).
3. Identifying a range of fees or assessments for services from potential RFPD(s).
4. Identifying revenues for services from potential RFPD(s).

The ultimate goal is a higher level of fire protection service for a lower cost.

The purpose of the Exploratory Committee is to gather information adequate enough to understand the rules/process to form a potential RFPD (i.e., rules, difficulty, pros and cons, levels of service, fees/ assessments, elections, etc.). This includes educational outreach efforts.

The Exploratory Committee’s purpose is limited to investigating and researching the potential (i.e., merits and liabilities) for forming a RFPD. Other potential actions will be considered and acted upon by other entities after the Exploratory Committee’s purpose has ended.

1.  Exploratory Committee

2.  Research Projects

3.  Unique Neighborhoods and Communities

4A.  Quality of Fire Protection

4B.  Lost Property, Life, Or Personal Injury by Fire

5A.  Delivery of Fire Protection

5B.  Potential Josephine County-Wide RFPD

6A.  Cost of Fire Protection

6B.  Design of Existing Fire Departments in Josephine County

7.  Revenues for Fire Protection

8.  Taxing District for Fire Protection

9.  Boundaries for Fire Protection

10A.  Issues of Consequence to Address When Forming a RFPD:

         I - Challenges of Forming a County-Wide RFPD

10B.  Issues of Consequence to Address When Forming a RFPD:

II - The Details

10C.  Issues of Consequence to Address When County Proposes Forming a RFPD:

III - An Informed Public

11.  Standards For Private Fire Departments


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