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Photo: 2015
- Picture taken 10/29/04 at the home of Jacque &
Blake Hardwick
- Top (Left to Right): Jacque,Wayne, Ann;
Bottom (Left to Right): Hal, Mike, Karen
- Wayne McKy, Chair
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- 6497 Hugo Road
- Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
- 541-476-4006
- Liz Butowitsch, Treasurer
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- 6520 Tunnel Loop Road
- Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
- 541-479-3162
- Email: Ribbitfarms@oigp.net
- Rene Ford, Liaison Officer
- Hugo Emigrants Trails Committee Representative
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- P.O. Box 81
- Merlin, OR 97532
- 541-471-1235
- Email: jrford@dishmail.net
- Jon Whalen, Hugo Storytelling Program Chair
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- 326 NE Josephine Street
- Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
- 541-476-1595
- Email: bear46@charter.net
- Mike Walker, Education Chair
- Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
- P.O. Box 1318
- Merlin, Oregon 97532
- 541-471-8271
- Email: hugo@jeffnet.org
- FUTURE POSITIONS: Membership, Publicity
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