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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

David Sexton
Caroline Sexton
Gathered Up News
Hugo Highlights
Hugo Supply Company
Petroleum Placers



Hugo High School Newsletter:  1932

Hugo Highlights

Knowledge is Light

Friday, Nov. 25, 1932

Reprinted by the Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society for the Luck Queen/Hugo History Day, May 25, 2002.




Preparations are being made by the Hugo school for a stunt show which they hope to present on Saturday evening, Dec. 3rd at the schoolhouse.

The entertainment will include several short stunts and musicals numbers by the High school. The grammar school will also assist with the evening’s program.

The program will be presented for the entertainment of the Community and no admission will be charged. However, a pie social will be held, to strengthen the funds of the Student Body Treasury.



Mr. L. E. Brown, a member of the Board of Directors brought a new library table to school early. It is a nice looking piece of furniture.



The Hugo School and community Club are proud possessors of a piano which was purchased last week.

Otts’ Music Store of Roseburg delivered the piano to the schoolhouse last Friday morning, Nov. 8.

The piano is in very fine condition and is a great addition to the school. It will also be used at the community hall for dances or other entertainment.



A short program was presented by the Hugo school last Wednesday afternoon in honor of Thanksgiving.

Several short plays and musical numbers were presented by the grade school. Anna Pirzer gave a reading on the origin of Thanksgiving.



Meetings of the drama Club of the Hugo High School are held monthly. The members will next meet at the home of Anna Pirzer on Friday evening.

The assistant community includes Genevieve Buffington and Carroll Brown. A few of the members planned to present a short skit as a form of amusement for the evening.



Students of the grammar school and their teacher Mrs. Baker are members of the Junior Red Cross.

As a part o f their work they are now preparing to send a box of toys to children of Japan. Included in the assortment are; a pine needle basket, a rag doll and others.



Lewis Whetsel is spending the Thanksgiving vacation with friends in Medford.

Mrs. Rena Holdman motored to Eureka, California, Wednesday planning to spend Thanksgiving with friends there.

Marjorie Hutton spent Thursday with Margaret Brown.

Vivian Hutton was an overnight guest at the home of Anna Pirzer Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baker spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Bakers parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Gigler of Grants Pass.

Visitors at the school last Tuesday afternoon were Frances Kolkow and Kenneth Aymar of Three Pines.

Mrs. Alice Bacon, and Mrs. O’Neal of Grants Pass were included in last weeks visitors at the Hugo School.



Owing to bad weather conditions and illness of team members, the return game of volley ball with Wolf Creek, scheduled for last week has been indefinitely postponed.

The students hope to be able to play the game after the Thanksgiving holidays. Although the local team was defeated several weeks ago, they were successful in winning several games and are very hopeful of carrying the honors at the game played on the local court.

With the season of bad weather conditions approaching the students of the School are not participating in any particular kind of sports.

The boys have an occasional game of touch tackle football, but otherwise things have quieted down a bit about the grounds.



Mr. Earl Brown has organized a Junior Orchestra in Hugo for those wishing to learn to play.

Three of the High School boys, Carroll Brown, Clarence Sommers, and Ray Hutton have joined. Their respective instruments are clarinet, cornet, and violin.

Other members of the community and several of the grade school pupils have also become members of the Junior Orchestra.




The calves walked around with a wabble.

The day after the night they were up so late.

The leader slunk down a mournful cry,

When the instructor said with a knowing eye.

"In order to be more efficiently bright.

We should sleep sound eight hours each night.

On the face of tao "C" was a pretty red patch.

The funny part was that both seemed to match.

On the temple of one bandage expanded,

Over a two inch square as if he’d been branded

On the left hand portion of the other "Calf’s Face."

The "twin-brother" bandage was carried prace.

The face of the third "Calf" was smooth as bane.

No patches were there dishearten fair maid.

Although without patches he was pretty well done.

For being out late was so much fun.

At the last recess of a laborious day,

The head of the teacher was growing quite gray.

She decided the best thing to do,

Was to rid of the "Calf’s" they agreed with her to.

They departed from school with heart breaking.

They never again would they act like sick calves.



Editor-in-chief Anna Pirzer

Business Manager John Caso

Composing Editor Vivian Hutton

Feature Editor Ray Hutton

Society Editor Vera Ramsey

Sports Editor Clarence Sommers



Hugo Hi-Lights published every two weeks by the students of the Hugo High School

Year --------30¢





Hurrah for the Hugo Hi-Lights!

It brightens up the dreary days and nights.

The subscription price is very small.

So take it at once, one an all.

‘Tis but 30 cents for one year,

or 3 cents a copy, that’s not dear.

Just patronize it if you have an ad,

Or make it a present to your best girls dad.

In it you will find all the news of the day!

Of those who have come or gone away.

We tell all the news from horsshoe bend,

Of its joys and trouble without end.

Just subscribe now, your editor is Anna,

If you’re hungry for news let it be your manna.



We, the students of the Hugo School and our teachers Mrs. Holdman and Mrs. Baker, are very grateful for the piano which was just recently purchased.

We wish to express our appreciation to the community Club, School Board, and members of the community who financed it.

The piano adds much to our school and the students are greatly enjoying it. They have been practicing singing daily, and hope to show their appreciation by giving musical numbers for the public in the near future.



According to the Daily Emerald, the publication of the University of Oregon, the success of a college paper depends upon each student’s diligence and ability of being a reporter.

The same also applies to the success of a High School newspaper. In addition it is a splendid opportunity for training. So let us all make an effort to improve upon our paper.



It looks like the city of Hugo will have to erect a hospital if the number of apparently injured persons do not decrease soon. Bandages and patches have been seen frequently, especially on some of the High School students. Perhaps it would be a good idea to investigate the matter.



We, the students of the Hugo High School wish to explain the delay in the publication of our paper the Hugo Hi-Lights.

We attempted to use an hectograph in publishing our first paper several weeks ago, but found it unsuitable for the paper. Until Mrs. Alice Bacon recent visit to our school we thought it impossible to continue the publication of our paper, as we were unable to finish the necessary equipment. Through the courtesy our county school superintendent we are now using her mimeograph machine. We wish to express our appreciation of her interest and assistance.

By securing subscriptions we now hope to finance our paper, and publish it every two weeks. Anyone wishing to subscribe to Hugo Hi-Lights communicate with the business manager or any of the students. All subscriptions will be greatly appreciated.



The students of the school certainly have been enjoying many social activities of late.

Several hikes have been undertaken, one to tunnel nine and another in the neighboring vicinity. Some of the young people are planning to hike to the top of Mt. Sexton over the week end.

A few of the students attended the dance at Merlin last Sat. Night and reported a very enjoyable time.

Hope to present our senior class in the next issue.

Carroll Brown returned to school last Monday afternoon after having been absent a week on account of illness.

In connection with the Laboratory work of the Biology class, the students have been studying interesting specimens of various kinds of insects. Next week, they plan to make a study of frogs and perhaps dissect one.

Vivian Hutton and Anna Pirzer are planning to take a business trip to Grants Pass Saturday, to transact business for the High School.

After the Thanksgiving holidays are over, the students are going to have their six weeks test. We wonder if they are actually enjoying their vacation if they have much fear of the exams.

Elmer Ward returned to Hugo a few days ago after having been absent the past summer, working near Klamath Falls. He is a graduate of the local school.

Mr. Truman Sommers and Robert Broeg motored to Roseburg last week to transact business in connection with the purchasing of a piano for the school and community hall.

Courtesy of Wayne & Janet McKy

Edited by Janet McKy & Mike Walker


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