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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

David Sexton
Caroline Sexton
Gathered Up News
Hugo Highlights
Hugo Supply Company
Petroleum Placers




Gathered Up News

Volume One, 1938, Number 1

Reprinted by the Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society, March 2001



Editor-in-chief Eugene Brown

Managing Editor Beatrice Decker

Society Editor Eugene Decker

Sports Editor Valere Frautschi

Art Editor Standlee Morgan

Comic Editor Herbert Rivers

Advisor Miss Rogers




I think that protecting little folks is one of the main things in life. I think that if you should help some little child from being run over, you should receive a reward.

When you see that you can help some little child from being hurt you should try and do what you are able for them.

Another thing is to make them grow big and strong, and their muscles will develop as their body grows.

When children are growing they should have the right kind of food and plenty of it.

When little folks are playing around deep water they should be watched by someone older all the time, especially if they can’t swim.

They should be watched or cared for when they are going across the street.

Editor Eugene Brown



We organized our club February 3, 1938.


The purpose is so we will know how to conduct a meeting when we get into high school. Another purpose is to have good spirit, and be able to conduct yourself at any program or entertainment.

We elect new officers each six weeks. The officers consist of President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer. The club’s first officers were, President — Beatrice Decker, Vice President — Standlee Morgan, Secretary-Treasurer — Eugene Decker. The present officers are, President — Eugene Decker, Vice President — Beulah Stewart, Secretary-Tresaurer, Standlee Morgan.



Betty Joe and her mother were callers at friends in Medford March 9, 1938.

The Hugo Grade School are starting for a declamation contest being held sometime in April.

On March 18th a St. Patrick’s dinner was given in the grade room. The guests invited to celebrate the occasion were, Miss. Waltz, Principal, Miss Skei, Erma Olson, and Edwin Brown. It was said to have been a pleasant time.

On the afternoon of February 25th, 1938, the Hugo High School were pleasantly surprised by the pupils of the grade room. A patriotic program honoring the birthday of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington was given. The program consisted of a play entitled, "Our Country’s Flag," several recitations, and patriotic songs. At the close of the program refreshments consisting of cake, cookies, cocoa, and candy was passed around to everyone present. All high school students reported it a very pleasing afternoon of entertainment.

A farewell party was given on December 4, 1937 for the four Martin children. Everyone was sorry to see them go. Refreshments were coca, apples, cookies, and candy. They were each given an autograph book. The children are now living in Washington. Some of the grade school get frequent letters from them.

A High School party was given Friday night, March 18th at 7:30. The evening was spent in playing games. Zada Newell and Bill Woods were in charge. The pupils who were there reported it a pleasant evening. Light refreshments were served.

On February 4, 1938 after the orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Henry Steger had played several selections, Dr. C. L. Ogle showed pictures that he had taken in Europe and at Crater Lake on his vacation.

A delightful evening was enjoyed, by all, on December 3, 1937 when pictures were shown of the Ford plant and the Glacier National Park.

A play entitle "Weinies On Wednesdays" was given February 18, 1938. It was for the benefit of the orchestra. The orchestra had played a few selections before the play. After the play, pie, candy and coffee were sold at five cents each. Everyone seems to enjoy the play. The characters in the play included: Mrs. Josephine Decker, Zada Newell, Bill Woods, Mr. Lawerence Bullard, and Miss Anna MacKenzie.

By Eugene Decker



The Hugo grade school was having fun in the snow. We played Fox and Goose. We had fun having a snowball fight.

In good weather we play such games as: The Flying Dutchman, Prisoner’s Base, Stealing Stickes, Relay Races, Baseball, and Paddle Tennis.

The Hugo High School play Ping Pong in the snowy weather.

The Hugo Grade School under the direction of Miss Roxene Waltz, are practicing earnestly to win at the county play day given in May.

By Valere Frautschi



Book Report On The Boy Scouts Of Bob’s Hill is fiction.

I believe it is about the best book I have every read. I recommend it to anyone who likes good boy scout books.

There are eight scouts in the story. They are what you would call real boy scouts. They observe all scout-rules.

It tells how their group started and how they went on having their meetings.

It tells how their secret cave floods and how they save it.

They play detective and catch a man who stole their picnic lunch.

Altogether the book is one of the most interesting books I have ever read.

By Beatice Decker



Every Thursday morning at 11:00 o’clock the Hugo Grade School listens to the Symphony Hour on Miss. Roger’s radio. It is sponsored by the Standard Oil Company Of California.



On January 26, 1938 Betty Jo Stgeger met with an accident while playing around the well-house. As a result she had a big cut on her head which required a physician’s attention.



Mr. and Mrs. Jim Russell, two daughters and a son moved to Galice, Saturday, March 19th. They will be closer to his work now. We are sorry to lose their daughter, Jacklyn from the first grade.



Plans are now being made to organize a 4-H club. Miss. Nola Welch met with the girls who were interested Saturday afternoon, March 26th at 2:00 o’clock. We hope to have a very nice club.



All the children in Josephine County Schools went to Merlin to have their ears tested. They had a microphone that they put on the ears. They have only two machines of that kind in the state of Oregon. They cost $1,000 each.



Fred Worack and Jack Brazille spent three days in Portland where they took examinations for United States Army.

Mr. George Edelman was confined to his home with a severe cold.

Walter Penney, line man for the Hugo Telephone Company, spent one afternoon making repairs on the local line.

Mr. Henry Steger and Mr. George Bear were confined to their beds with the flue.

Spring was being ushered in with snow flurries and spring showers.

Mrs. Vic Wood returned home recently from the hospital where she had been a patient for several days.

The Western Union Telegraph Company has been doing work on the telegraph lines in the vicinity of Hugo.

Mrs. Mullins has the agency of a well known clothing firm in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Melvyn Arthur Penny, better known as "Uncle Mell" to some, passed away at the W. W. Penny residence January 28, 1938.

Mr. W. W. Haley had the misfortune of sawing the tip of his finger nearly off.

Max Buffington and Fred Worak are the proud owners of a Model T Ford.


JOKES — A one bee household.

Grandma gave Jimmy a spoonful of honey. Jimmy doubtfully looked at her. "Couldn’t you raise two bees next summer, grandma?"

"One swallow can’t make a summer, you know."

"No but one frog can make a spring."

Farmer. "Don’t you see the sign No Fishing Allowed?" Fisherman. "I never read anything marked Private."

A Woman’s car stalled at the corner. The traffic light changed red, yellow, green, etc. The polite policeman stepped up and said, "What’s the matter lady haven’t you any of the colors you like?"

By Herbert Rivers


Courtesy of Beatrice June (Decker) Bentson

We thank Beatrice J. Bentson for providing a copy of this news letter of the Hugo Grade School Hugo High School to the Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society. The original was written in long-hand by Beatrice Decker.

Beatrice J. (Decker) Bentson

1841 Alcan Drive

Medford, Oregon 97504-4805



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