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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society


Common Land Use Issues & Problems
Legal Constraints
The Need For Predictability
Federal and State Mandates
The Overburdened Citizen
Oregon CI Advisory Committee



March 6, 2006

Land Use Committee
Hugo Neighborhood Association
Members of the CAC/NA Coalition

Common CI Issues & Problems In Josephine County

A common theme to all the citizen involvement (CI) issues and problems in Josephine County is a CI program that can be improved.1 According to the Oregon Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) the first 10 of the following CI issues and problems are common statewide.2

1. Common Land Use Issues & Problems
2. Funding
3. Staffing
4. Time
5. Legal Constraints
6. Apathy
7. Technocracy
8. The Need for Predictability
9. State and Federal Mandates
10. The Overburdened Citizen
11. Oregon Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee

Oregon CIAC State and Federal Mandate Observations & Suggestions

CIAC State and Federal Mandate Observations.3

"Other laws indirectly limit citizen involvement by setting standards or requirements that cannot be changed by local citizen actions. Suppose, for example, that a landowner proposes to rezone his land from Exclusive Farm Use to Heavy Industrial."

"Even if 100 of his friends come to the hearing and all testify for the rezoning, local officials cannot approve it if it fails to satisfy the state laws that protect farmland."

More Information

CIAC Suggestions.3

"Inform citizens about state and federal laws that compel certain policies or actions. Provide information that describes not only the requirements of the law but also its purposes. In other words, explain not only what the law requires but also why the law requires it."

More Information. Would you like to learn more? Contact a member of the Hugo Land Use Committee.

Disclaimer. This brochure is as much about providing information and provoking questions as it is about opinions concerning the adequacy of findings of fact and land use decisions. It does not provide recommendations to citizens and it is not legal advice. It does not take the place of a lawyer. If citizens use information contained in this paper, it is their personal responsibility to make sure that the facts and general information contained in it are applicable to their situation.

1. Josephine County Ordinance 93-13.
2. Oregon Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee (CIAC). July 1992. Putting the People Into Planning. Salem, OR. Web Page -
3. Rohse, Mitch & Ross, Kim. 1992. Putting the People Into Planning. Funding. by DLCD for CIAC. pps. 44 - 45. Salem, OR.

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@ 2010 Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society