- Appendix F
General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee
Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
October 9, 2006
The 1856 General Land Office maps identify five houses near the "Road from Willamette
Valley to Jacksonville" within Hugo's routes of interest.1 They are numbered JA-H-1
through JA-H-4. Latitude and longitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) were calculated for
two of the five house locations near the Jacksonville Road of the Applegate Trail: JA-H-2A
and JA-H-2B.
2.5' (minutes) of latitude at 123 30' West Longitude = 15,150' (feet)
2.5' (minutes) of latitude = 150" (seconds). 15,150' (feet) ÷ 150" (seconds) =
2.5' (minutes) of longitude at 42 37' 30" North Latitude = 11, 200' (feet)
2.5' (minutes) of longitude = 150" (seconds). 11,200' (feet) ÷ 150" (seconds) =
One Second of Latitude = 101' (feet)
One Second of Longitude = 75' (feet)
The General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee transcribed the field notes of the two
house locations for the GLO's 1856 maps1 and calculated their latitude and longitude from
November 2005 through September 5, 2006. This included developing the methodology for
translating the notes, converting chains to feet, and plotting bearing and distances in
feet on USGS topographic quadrangles.
General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee
Glen Campbell
Joe Neiderheiser
Kelly Rarey
Mike Walker
The last step was calculating the latitude and longitude from the plots on the quads. Each
member of the sub-committee independently calculated the latitude and longitude and an
average was calculated. This effort was the first set of house locations for which
latitude and longitude was calculated for all of Hugo's points of interest along the
Applegate Trail.1
- H-2A. Harris House No. 1
JA Section 2. Mary Harris Complex/Donation Land Claim JASec 2
Page 8 - Subdivisions of Township No 35 South of Range No 6 West
West on True Line Between Secs 13 & 24
73.15 Road to Jacksonville c N&S
73.15 a House [whose house?] bears N25 E? 3
chains distance
73.40 Enter Field c N & S
House H-2A Latitude & Longitude House H-2A (Harris House No. 1) is the house
identified on the 1856 GLO map. However, House H-2A is not identified as the Harris House
in the GLO field notes. In the GLO field notes it is identified as "a House bears N25
E[?] 3 chains distance." House H-2A is next to the 1856 GLO identified
"field" (both in the GLO field notes and the GLO map).
- House H-2A Bearing & Distance
Sexton Mountain - 1996
Oregon - Josephine Co.
7.5 Minute Series (Topographic)
Scale 1:24,000
Contour Interval 40 Feet
- Members of the 1856 General Land Office Survey
Sub-Committee collaborated on the bearing and distance in feet for House H-2A (Harris
House No. 1) (i.e., checking the 1856 General Land Office field survey notes and their
understanding for accuracy and calculating feet from chains).
Mike Walker - June 9,
Glen Campbell - August 3, 2005
Kelly Rarey - September 14,
73.15 a house bears N25 E? 3 chains distance 4,827.9'
3.0 house 3 chains distance
198.0' N25 E
H-2A Field Notes & Photographs
Harris Cairn South
Harris Cairn North
Harris White Oak
Harris Two Stake Location
Harris Cairn South. A rock cairn was relocated and measured by Tieman and Walker February
3, 2006. It was 118' to the north of SHRW Marker 949+00 and in a forest mostly of laurel
with some oaks and conifers. Approximately six inches of duff was covering the ground. It
was a closed canopy environment with no grass. There was deep moss on all the rocks. The
Tieman Cairn was also on the 320-acre Harris DLC (Certificate No. 70, OR 06656, PL 167,
Action Date: December 9, 1865). On February 11, 2006 the site was visited by Hal Anthony
and Mike Walker.
Harris Cairn North. On July 12, 2006 Kelly Rarey and Mike Walker visually reconnoiter and
GPSed Harris House No. 1. This location turned out to be approximately 140 feet north of
the Tieman Cairn at another rock cairn beneath a ponderosa pine and near the I-5
right-of-way fence line. This cairn had been previously noted as a few rocks. What had not
been earlier discovered was that approximately 80 percent of the cairn had been covered by
dead limbs from the ponderosa pine. This ground appeared to be tough farmland and very
rocky. There did appear to be a lot of water that moved through area in the winter and
Harris White Oak. An old white oak is on the I-5 fence line between the two cairns. Kelly
speculated that the hole in the tree might have been and old survey mark.
Harris Two-Stake Location. On September 5, 2006 Joe Neiderheiser and Mike Walker visited
H-2A as identified by his GPS which has the capability to "Go To" coordinates
down to one-tenth of a second (42 31' 15.7" N. Lat.; 123 21' 50.0" W. Long.).
Kelly, Glen, and Mike's GPSs (Magellan GPS 315) only have the capability to "Go
To" down to one second (42 31' 16" N. Lat.; 123 21' 50" N. Lat.). Joe's GPS
recorded a location approximately 30 north east of Harris Cairn North where there were two
wooden stakes.
Harris House Location JA-H-2A Photos
- H-2A. Harris House No. 1: Latitude & Longitude
Members of the 1856 General Land Office Survey Sub-Committee collaborated on calculating
the latitude and longitude for the Road to Jacksonville (i.e., checking the 1856 General
Land Office field survey notes and their understanding for accuracy, calculating feet from
chains, plotting the bearing and distance onto the 1966 Sexton Mountain Quadrangle, and
calculating the latitude and longitude from the plot). Four members' latitude and
longitude calculations were averaged and final coordinates were identified.
Date North Latitude
Glen Campbell 08/15/06 42 31' 15.8" N. Lat
Joe Neiderheiser 08/29/06 42 31' 17.5" N. Lat
Kelly Rarey 07/11/06 42 31'
15.5" N. Lat.
Mike Walker 07/12/06 42 31'
15.8" N. Lat.
15.8" + 17.5" + 15.5 + 15.8" = 64.6" ÷ 4 =
16.15" = 16"
Date West Longitude
Glen Campbell 08/15/06 123 21' 50.0" W. Long.
Joe Neiderheiser 09/15/06 123 21' 48.0" W. Long.
Kelly Rarey 07/11/06 123 21'
50.0" W. Long.
Mike Walker 07/12/06 123 21'
50.0" W. Long.
50.0" + 50.0" + 50.0" = 150.0" ÷ 3
= 50.00"
50.0" + 48.0 + 50.0" + 50.0" = 198.0" ÷ 4 =
42 31' 16" N. Lat.
123 21' 50" N. Lat.
Harris Section of Applegate Trail
H-2B. Harris House No. 2
JA Section 2. Mary Harris Complex/Donation Land Claim JASec 2
Page 9 - Subdivisions of Township No 35 South of Range No 6 West
North Between Secs 13 & 14
14.25 Stream 5 Links wide C
18.00 Leave Field C N10W & S10E
22.50 Jacksonville Road c N 10 W& S10E
37.00 Same Road [Jacksonville Road] c N 10
W& S10E
39.00 to Swale C N10E & S20W
44.00 Top of ???
55.00 Same Road [Jacksonville Road] c N 80 W
59.92 Mr. Ham's [Harris?] Home bears N72W about
8 chains distance
80.00 Set Post Cor [Corner] to Secs [Sections]
- WestSexton Mountain - 1996
Oregon - Josephine Co.
7.5 Minute Series (Topographic)
Scale 1:24,000
Contour Interval 40 Feet
H-2B Latitude & Longitude House H-2B (Harris House No. 2) is the
house identified as a small black square without any annotation on the 1856 GLO map.
However, Harris House No. 2 in the 1856 GLO field notes is identified as "Mr. Ham's
[???] Home bears N72W about 8 chains distance." It is not adjacent to the identified
field (both in the GLO field notes and the GLO map).
House H-2B Bearing & Distance
Members of the 1856 General Land Office Survey Sub-Committee collaborated on the bearing
and distance in feet for the Road from Jacksonville (i.e., checking the 1856 General Land
Office field survey notes and their understanding for accuracy and calculating feet from
Mike Walker - June 9,
Glen Campbell - August 3, 2005
59.92 Mr. Ham's [Harris ?] Home bears N72W
3,954.7' North
- about 8 chains
8.0 home 8 chains distance
528' N72W
H-2B. Field Notes & Photographs
On July 12, 2006 Kelly Rarey and Mike Walker visually reconnoiter and GPSed Harris House
No. 2. This location turned out to be in the field northwest of the Josephine County
Sportsmans Association's office near and west of the large camp fire rocks. The field
appeared to have good soil supporting green naturally sub-irrigated land.
This house location is on the historical160-acre Military Patent No. 41877 (PL 26, Action
Date: November 1, 1861). We suspect this military patent is probably like the one for
Dickerson's Corner.
"Military Bounty Land Act of March 3, 1855, Roseburg, Oregon. May 9, 1861
Military Warrant #92568 in the name of Rice Benson has this day been located by Anson
Turner..." Rice Benson was a private in Captain Miller's Company Oregon Militia
Rogue River War. The warrant was signed by Abraham Lincoln for 160 acres in the NW ¼ of
the NW ¼ of section 2, and the E ½ of the NE ¼, and the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of section
3, T. 35. S., R. 6 W., W.M. Action Date: June 15, 1864.
Military Patent No. 41877 is probably under the name of "John Davis." Depending
on further research Harris House No. 2. ( JA-H-2B) might have a name change to reflect
another pioneer. It is definitely not part of the Harris DLC.
On September 5, 2006 Joe Neiderheiser and Mike Walker visited H-2B as identified by his
GPS which has the capability to "Go To" coordinates down to one-tenth of a
second (42 31' 54.7" N. Lat. versus 55"; 123 21' 3.2" W. Long. versus
3"). The field location of JA-H-2B green grass from naturally sub-irrigated land
(Davis House Location JA-H-2B Photos).
Davis House Location JA-H-2B Photos
- Latitude & Longitude: H-2B. Harris House No. 2
Members of the 1856 General Land Office Survey Sub-Committee collaborated on calculating
the latitude and longitude for the Road to Jacksonville (i.e., checking the 1856 General
Land Office field survey notes and their understanding for accuracy, calculating feet from
chains, plotting the bearing and distance onto the 1966 Sexton Mountain Quadrangle, and
calculating the latitude and longitude from the plot). Four members' latitude and
longitude calculations were averaged and final coordinates were identified.
Date North Latitude
Glen Campbell 08/15/06 42 31' 54.5" N. Lat
Joe Neiderheiser 09/15/06 42 31' 54.5" N. Lat
Kelly Rarey 07/11/06 42 31'
54.8" N. Lat.
Mike Walker 07/12/06 42 31'
54.8" N. Lat.
54.5 + 54.5" + 54.8" + 54.8" = 218.6" ÷ 4 =
54.65" = 55"
Date West Longitude
Glen Campbell 08/15/06 123 22' 2.8" W. Long.
Joe Neiderheiser 09/15/06 123 22' 2.8" W. Long.
Kelly Rarey 07/11/06 123 22'
3.2" W. Long.
Mike Walker 07/12/06 123 21'
3.2" W. Long.
2.8" + 2.8" + 3.2" + 3.2"= 12.0" ÷ 4 =
3.0" = 3"
42 31' 55" N. Lat.
123 22' 03" N. Lat.
The 1856 General Land Office maps identify five houses near the "Road from Willamette
Valley to Jacksonville" within Hugo's routes of interest.1 They are numbered JA-H-1
through JA-H-4. Latitude and longitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) were calculated for
two of the five house locations near the Jacksonville Road: JA-H-2A and JA-H-2B.
The following members of the General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee, Hugo Emigrant
Trails Committee, Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society, verify the
accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates for locations JA-H-2A and JA-H-2B.
Glen Campbell
Joe Neiderheiser
Kelly Rarey
Mike Walker
Issues/Standard Methodology Assumptions
An issue is the calculation of longitude using the latitude and longitude tool. It appears
you can get a different set of coordinates when the tool is used right side up versus left
side up (i.e., JA - 4: right side up = 51.3"; left side up = 51.8"). Need to
discuss with Oregon Department of Geology.
An issue and a present standard methodology is the assumption that all sections lines are
5,280 feet long. Need office research on surveyed lines - research survey history of
corners at Josephine County Surveyor's Office.
Standard methodology in calculating latitude and longitude from point on quad - cut the
Standard methodology in averaging latitude and longitude is to use the
"majority" data. For example, one second of latitude equals 101' (feet) and one
second of longitude equals 75' (feet). If three members of the General Land Office Field
Survey Sub-Committee average one second of latitude or longitude different by one second
from the fourth member, then only the majority data will be used. See following practical
example of this situation.
Date West Longitude
Glen Campbell 08/15/06 123 21' 50.0" W. Long.
Joe Neiderheiser 08/29/06 123 21' 47.8" W. Long.
Kelly Rarey 07/11/06 123 21'
50.0" W. Long.
Mike Walker 07/12/06 123 21'
50.0" W. Long.
50.0" + 50.0" + 50.0" = 150.0" ÷ 3
= 50.00"
50.0" + 47.8 + 50.0" + 50.0" = 197.8" ÷ 4 =
42 31' 16" N. Lat.
123 21' 50" N. Lat.
Standard methodology is that the calculated latitude and longitude coordinates are public
information for "need to know" stakeholders. At the present time there are no
brochures scheduled for the general public.
Glen Campbell, Member
General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee
Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
144 Rivaway Lane
Grants Pass, Oregon 97527
Joe Neiderheiser, Member
General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee
Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
279 Ridgefield Road
Grants Pass, OR 97527
Cell 450-2020
Email: joeen@mindspring.com
Kelly Rarey, Member
General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee
Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
275 Canyon Oak Drive
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Email: the.rareys@cyberhouse.org
Mike Walker, Member
General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee
Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee
Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society
3388B Merlin Rd #195 (mail)
Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Email: hugo@jeffnet.org
Web Page: http://jeffnet.org/~hugo/
1. Mapping Action Plan Document was approved by the Hugo Neighborhood Association &
Historical Society May 14, 2005. This action plan is a living document and its components
will be updated by the Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee as appropriate. Hugo Emigrant Trails
Committee. May 2005. Mapping Action Plan for Applegate Trail. Hugo, OR.
. Public Outreach & Educational Brochure Committee for Hugo's Emigrant Trails, Hugo
Neighborhood Association & Historical Society. 2005. Public Outreach & Educational
Brochure Program. 23 identified brochures. Hugo, OR.
. Public Outreach & Educational Brochure Committee for Hugo's Emigrant Trails, Hugo
Neighborhood Association & Historical Society. 2005. Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee.
Hugo, OR.
. Public Outreach & Educational Brochure Committee for Hugo's Emigrant Trails, Hugo
Neighborhood Association & Historical Society. February 2005. Hugo Applegate Trail
Field Notes. Hugo, OR.
. 1856 General Land Office Field Survey Sub-Committee, Hugo Emigrant Trails Committee.
December 2005. Appendix E-1 - General Land Office Field Notes. Hugo, OR.