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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix F
Appendix H
Appendix J




Appendix D. Josephine County Comprehensive Plan Goal 7: Preserve Valuable Limited Resources, Unique Natural Areas and Historic Features

Goal 7 is from the Comprehensive Plan for Josephine County (October 2005): Goal and Policies
Downloaded from the Josephine County web page March 20, 2007


Inventories of the resources of Josephine County indicate that special features, such as archaeologic or historic sites, and limited resources, such as mineral deposits and sensitive wildlife habitat, may be endangered unless protected from the encroachment of incompatible land uses. Because of the importance of these various special resources to the economic, cultural and aesthetic well-being of County residents, comprehensive planning necessitates careful consideration of the trade-offs between land use alternatives.

1. The Board of County Commissioners shall encourage the identification and preservation of archaeological sites, prior to their development in Josephine County. When sites are identified by a qualified archaeologist, Josephine County will evaluate archaeological sites for their significance. If found to be significant, the County will apply the provisions of the Goal 5 rule, as applied in Chapter 14 of the Zoning Ordinance.

2. The Board of County Commissioners shall support the identification of significant natural areas and shall implement measures to evaluate the importance of preserving such sites.

3. The Board of County Commissioners shall support the identification of historic sites in Josephine County and encourage the preservation of historic artifacts and ensure that incompatible uses are not established adjacent to sites identified in the National Register of Historic Sites and places. A historic sites review committee shall be established to determine conflicts with primary historic resources and requests for alteration.

4. Because no conflicts with primary historic resources currently exist, it is the policy of Josephine County to employ a review process pursuant to the historic review provisions of Chapter 14 of the Zoning Ordinance when a request for alteration of a primary historic site is received.

5. Class 1 and 2 streamside vegetation shall be substantially protected. Land use management activities shall take into consideration management of fishery resources in Josephine County.

6. The County shall provide for wildlife protection. When a nest site or rookery is identified and when a significant activity is proposed nearby, there shall be consultation with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to mitigate impacts. Nearly all 1C sites, as defined by OAR 660-16000(5)(c), are within national Wild and Scenic Rivers or State Scenic Waterways boundaries and conflicting uses will be limited by national and state river management programs. Areas outside the river corridors are not yet clearly identified and will be classified as 1B sites until precise locations are determined, at which time ESEE analyses will be conducted. In sensitive deer habitat areas (those areas outside the impacted area and below 2500 feet elevation), measures shall be implemented to limit the number of residences to 32 per two square miles of habitat area. The review process is included in Chapter 14 of the Zoning Ordinance.

7. Since the County has a wide variety of mineral resources, steps shall be taken to maintain existing inventories, prevent encroachment by incompatible uses, and identify potential processing sites. Land allocations and ordinances extreme importance to residents of Josephine County because of its effect on the quality of life and the economic viability of the region. Pollution control strategies must be designed to reduce the cumulative effects, not of people, but of what people do. Land use allocations must be examined to ensure that development will not exceed the community standards.

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