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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society


Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 1
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Abbott J A 3 2000 4200 6200
Abbott William M 3 1750 1750
Ackerman H.M. 3 500 500
Adams J G 3 100 170 270
Adams J. P. 3 270 270
Agnew James 3
Alden William pd
Alden Willis 3
Allen C B 3
Allen Charles F 3
Allen Jessie 3
Allen W J 3 800 800
Ancrum Elias 3 1600 1600
Anderson Alex pd 250 250
Anderson Robert 3 1600 1512 3112
Anderson Samuel pd 450 450
Anthony Jance pd 130 130
Appleton James 3 400 535 935
Arnett Thomas 3
Arrington & Co 1000 500 1500
Ash Robert 3
Ashcraft A G 3
Avery George 3 150 150
Axeman Henry pd
Bailey Henry 3
Bailey Joseph 3 750 750
Bailey M. pd
Bailey William 3
Bain Calvin 3 350 350
Baker James 3 3075 3075
Baldwin John pd
Ball Rufus 3 1000 1000
Bames Lewis pd
Bamett G pd 600 565 1165
Banks James 3 1700 1700
Bap J. S 3 1940 1940
Barkdull C. H pd 2000 2000
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 2
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Barkwell M C 3 700 3600 4300
Barnett C 3 1000 1950 2950
Barns Stephen 3
Barton William pd
Bastien  Henry 3
Bastien John pd
Bates R 3
Bauffman M 3 150 150
Beach & Plattes 6 2000 2255 4255
Beard Robert 3
Bech John 3 100 100
Beckholt A. P. pd 200 400 600
Beckley D W 3 150 100 250
Belknap R S 3 1500 1685 3185
Benedict Royal 3 600 600
Benedict Samuel 3 200 200
Bennett E. P. 3
Bennett J. W. 3 2000 1265 3265
Benson August 3
Beny Charles 3
Berkhalter T 3 500 350 850
Bessonat Frank 3
Bethel Ferdinand 3
Bigelow H A. 3
Binns John pd 1300 1300
Binns Willoughby pd 900 900
Blackledge M pd
Blanchard H G 3 1450 1450
Blank A pd
Bock J H pd 178 178
Bogges Albert 3
Bolt John 3 300 300
Borhan Frank 3 1000 1000
Bour J M 3 460 460
Bowen Perry 3
Boyce Matthew pd
Bracken Michael 3 100 100
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 3
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Bracken Samuel 3 300 300
Brady Y. M. 3 250 250
Bramlett Francis 3 400 400
Brewer R C 3
Brice D C. 3 300 300
Briggs G. H. 3
Briggs George 3 3000 1610 4610
Britton J S pd 260 100 360
Broughton M. B 3 330 330
Brown Anderson pd
Brown James 3
Brown James pd 320 1730 2050
Brown Peter pd 250 250
Brown Thomas 3
Brown William pd
Brownswith John 3
Bruce John 3
Buck James pd 250 250
Buckles W 3
Burleston H. 3 250 250
Burnett W. H. 3 500 500
Burns Francis 3
Burns John 3
Butler W C 3
Butler W. T. 3
Caldwell C 1200 485 1685
Caldwell C M 3 500 600 1100
Caldwell G B 3 450 450
Caldwell V H 3
Caldwell W. G 3
Campbell C. W. pd 950 950
Canady Latham 3
Carpenter William 3 200 200
Carr A. W. 3
Carr Thomas 3 600 600
Carroll John 3
Carroll P pd
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 4
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Casaubaum J pd
Casey James 3 1500 1500
Cassidy & Co 3 800 2170 2970
Cassidy A 3
Cater Charles 3
Causman James 3
Causman L. 3
Chamberlain J 3
Chambers John pd 100 290 390
Chapman H M 3 270 270
Chapman William 3 1600 1195 2795
Charles L.W. 3 1500 1500
Chase Calvin 3 150 150
Cheshire W. B 3
Childs J. W. pd
Christianson A pd 300 200 500
Christy John pd
Clark A J 3 100 100
Clark W 3 100 100
Clask William pd
Clink William 3
Coates Thomas 3 450 450
Colean Francis 3 1600 450 2050
Colean Peter pd
Collier William 3 320 320
Colling Matthew 3
Collins John 3
Collins Lewis 3
Colvin Daniel 3 1215 1285 2500
Compton Joshua 3
Conklin C. 3
Conrad John 3
Corbett William 3 600 600
Cornwell G 3
Costleo John 3
Courcer N 3
Coyle Owen 120 1730 1850
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 5
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Crandall & Co 3 300 9200 9500
Crawford Robert 3 2500 395 2895
Crawford William 3
Crow William pd
Croxton Thomas 3 800 2190 2990
Cunningham J pd 250 300 550
Curtain James 3 1400 950 2350
Curtis Grandim 3 1000 350 1350
Curtis Henry 3
Dacy Jerimiah 3
Daken B L pd 2000 2000
Dale J N. 3
Daniel S. 300 360 660
Darkin William pd 250 250
Davidson J P 3 200 368 568
Davis David 3
Davis J 3
Davis J. T. 3
Davis John pd 300 300
Davis John Jun pd
Davis & Murphy 3 15400 2000 17400
Day Henry pd
Day Robert 3
Dee Philip 3
Demison Andrew 3
Denny John 3
Deskin H 3 600 200 800
Desseller J. B 3 400 400
Dickerson T. C. 3
Dimick E C 3 116 116
Dimick J 3 1120 1120
Dinsmore George 3 320 200 520
Dodd S. B 3
Doggett George 3
Donahue Thomas 3
Dougherty H 3 230 230
Douglass John 3
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 6
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Drake D. D. 3 1200 1200
Drake N D 3
Draper Silas 3 250 250
Drew Henry pd 400 400
Drum A. B 3 150 150
Dubois Zabriskie 3
Duffey Jeremiah 3
Dugdale James 3
Dunlap R S 300 300
Dunn Thomas 3
Dutcher J. G 3 1000 1013 2013
Dutcher O 3 1600 845 2445
Ebert Charles & Co 3 2000 4700 6700
Edmonson William 3 2700 700 3400
Egbert Jacob 3
Elder J C 3 2000 1435 3435
Elliott Charles B 3
Elliott J 3 110 110
Elsey Stephen 3 400 400
Elshaksi B pd
Emmerson S. A. 3 225 225
Emmons T. 3
Enock Isaih pd 700 700
Estell Robert 3 400 400
Evans & Romain 6 1200 790 1990
Evans Allen 3
Evans C. J. 3 750 750
Evans Davis 3 320 320
Evans Lucy 576 576
Evans Mary W 3000 3000
Evans W S 3 250 250
Evans William 3 1000 1000 2000
Evans William L 3 250 250
Fay D D 3
Fay J D 3
Felt Charles pd 600 600
Ferguson W R & Co 3 2275 2275
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 7
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Fick John pd 215 215
Fields Simon pd 220 220
Filburm John pd
Fisher Bernard & Co 6 1800 1490 3290
Fitzgerald M. 3
Floyd T T 3 300 300
Foley Patrick 3 100 100
Foote Daniel pd 300 300
Foote J H 3
Forbes R J pd 600 600
Frauenthal Jacob 3 1080 1080
Freer Frank 3
Fritzgerald Ed 3
Fry Charles pd
Ganiard Oscar 3 1000 735 1735
Ganiard Peter 3 1600 1490 3090
Garnigan Owen pd 200 200
Garnigan Philip 3
Garrison J W 3 300 300
Garrote Antoine pd
Gearhart John pd 1750 2904 4654
Gee Andrew 3
Gee Benjamin & Co 3 3557 3557
Gee John 3
Gibson John A 3 100 100
Gibson William 3 2000 940 2940
Gilfeather John 3
Gillaim C A. 3 1200 1740 2940
Gillet J. T. 3
Gilliam T H 3
Gilpin J M 3
Gleeson Thomas pd 120 120
Goff F. C. 3
Goings John 3 125 125
Goodheart J 3
Goodman W S 3
Goodwin C C 3
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 8
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Gosspen Hanz pd 100 100
Graham M & Co 3 3000 3000
Gratz George pd
Gray H H 3
Green D L 3
Green S. M. pd 150 150
Griffin James pd
Gurney David 3
Hailey William H 3
Hall J M 3
Hall Pulaski 3 1500 1445 2945
Halvor George 3 400 400
Hamilton James pd
Hank Frank pd 200 200
Hannah H K 3
Hanniford Charles 3
Hanniford Susan P 800 445 1245
Hanson F 3 425 425
Hardy Sam 3 300 230 530
Hardy W S pd
HargraveWilliam pd
Harper Levi 3 75 75
Harpin C. D. pd 250 250
Harrison J W. 3 300 300
Hart L. D. 3 500 300 800
Hartman Jasper pd
Haseltine F P 3
Hasley William S 3 2000 1420 3420
Hayden Rily 3 500 500
Hays A J pd 1000 75 1075
Hays Jeremiah pd 200 75 275
Hays Joseph 3
Hays W B 2000 2125 4125
Heaps Hugh 3
Heart T. S. 3 800 800
Hendershott James 3 1000 6840 7840
Hendershott S. B. 3 1500 1500
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 9
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Henderson A. J 3 200 150 350
Hendesrson J M 3
Hendry Isaac 175 175
Henry John pd
Henry M F 3
Hess Valentine pd 1000 100 1100
Hewitt J 3 225 225
Hodges M C 3 1230 1230
Hoffman W P 3
Hogan James pd
Hole James 3
Holman Arch 3 450 395 845
Holmes J. D. 3
Holmes J. E. pd 150 150
Holsclaw B. T 3
Holton D S 3 600 300 900
Hornbuckle James 3 400 400
Homer Samuel 3 600 125 725
Hook Charles 3
Hovey Thomas 3 100 300 400
Howard William 3 480 520 1000
Howell John 3
Huffman D J 3
Huffmaster J. W. 3 370 370
Hughey E. N. 3
Hull G. W. 3 400 400
Hullings Henry pd 1250 1250
Hunt T H pd  
Huntingdon J. H 3
Huntingdon William 3 2000 230 2230
Hutchinson W W pd
Hutton W. J 3
Jackson Dave 3
Jackson F. M 3
Jackson R 3
Jacobson August 3
Jarnigan B. F pd
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 10
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Jelks & Co 3 8000 8000
Jenkins Dane pd
Jess A. M. 3 1000 750 1750
Johnson Aleck pd
Johnson George 3 175 175
Johnson John 3 400 400 800
Johnson John 3
Jousdan James pd
Jousdan R. S. pd 2000 500 2500
Kearney P.N. 3
Kelley Andrew 3 150 150
Kelly Wesley 3 755 755
Kendall David 3 1300 1590 2890
Kent J. L 3 1200 125 1325
Kerby A J 3 500 500
Kerby G H 3
Kerouski G 3 12000 12000
King J. H. 3
King William 3 500 500
Knight David 3
Knox Thomas 3 200 400 600
Koster Seaborn pd 100 100
Labaree Henry 3
Labaree Joseph pd
Laing Robert 3 500 1750 2250
Lake George pd
Lander E. J 3 120 120
Lanon Owen pd
Layton J T 3 1825 1825
LeBnush Charles 3
Ledlie Lawrence 3
Linn C A 3
Lipsher Julius pd 225 225
Lisherness William 3
Little Frank 3 300 300 600
Little James 3 2000 1705 3705
Lockridge James 3 200 290 490
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 11
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Lockwood Robert 3 130 130
Logan & Thompson 3 4000 6016 10016
Logan George 3 500 500
Louis Frank pd
Louis J. M. pd 200 150 350
Love Jeromiah 3
Lovell Charles pd 100 530 630
Low Jasper pd 100 100
Lowe Jesse pd 100 100
Lucas J A 3
Luce A S 3
Luther C C 3 250 700 950
Luther G. W 3
Luther W W 3
Macklin H. 3 250 250
Macklin J. E. 3 2000 495 2495
Macklin John 3 1500 600 2100
Madden Robert 3
Madison George 3
Madison William 3 450 350 800
Maher William 3 1300 1300
Mahon William 3 600 600
Malarty Thomas 3
Mallony A H 3
Maloney T 3
Mann I F 3
Mann J E 3
Marshall Sam 3 1200 1200
Martin Henry 3
Martin Thomas 3 1100 150 1250
Martin W H pd 200 200
Martin William 3 1250 1250
Martindale L 3 150 225 375
Matier J 3
Matthews A H 3 200 200
Matthews J. W. 3 1700 1000 2700
Maury & Davis 15000 15000
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 12
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Maxwell William 3
May W. F 3 100 300 400
Mc Carty A. M. 3
Mc Grath William 3
Mc Millen R S 3
McAdamz James 3
McBriarty James 3 1000 1000
McBriarty John 3 300 1025 1325
McBriarty Michael 3 1000 1000
McBriarty Pat 3 1200 1200
McCarty Colvin 3
McCheny James 3
McCulley J. F 3 800 375 1175
McCulley Samuel 3 500 890 1390
McCullough J pd
McCullough William 3
McDonald Alex 3
McDonald F. S. 3 100 100
McDonald George 3 615 615
McDonald J. R. 3
McEwen Robert 3
McGarvey James 3
McGer John 3 1100 1100
McGetrich John pd
McGlaughlin J pd
McGrew H L 3 600 105 705
McHaley A. J. pd 500 735 1235
McIlwaineA B 3 2500 9910 12410
McKay Martin 3
McKoin Eli & Co 6 2000 2000 4000
McMichael H B 3
McMullen William 3 2000 380 2380
McPeck John & Co 6 425 400 825
Mendenhall J 400 400
Mercer Aaron 3 2000 630 2630
Messenger Simon 3 2500 2500
Meyer August pd
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 13
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Micks John pd 200 50 250
Middlesworth R R 3 600 150 750
Millburn Samuel pd 150 150
Miller Antony 3
Miller Daniel 3 1000 1000
Miller G. B. 3 1000 700 1700
Miller Hintow 3
Miller John 3 200 200
Miller Peter 3
Miller Robert 3
Miller Samuel pd
Mills J R. 3 700 700
Mitchell A T pd 250 250
Montague J ?  3
Montague J. F. 3
Moon W F 3 1000 400 1400
Moran P. N. 3
Morford R. B. 3 1000 1720 2720
Morris Charles pd
Morris S pd
Mulkey J. L. 3 1072 1072
Mulkey W L. 3
Mulvany L W 3
Murphy Bernard 3 500 100 600
Murphy D 3 300 300
Murphy Hugh 3
Myers George 3 450 450
Myers Henry 3 1100 1100
Myers S. K. 3
Nail J R pd
Nail M V 3 150 1213 1363
Nauch William pd 580 860 1440
Nelson Jackson 3
Nelson Ole 3 1500 1500
Newman William 3 2200 620 2820
Nichols William 3
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 14
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Nicholson S. C. 3 250 250
Noland M. V. 3 250 1150 1400
North 3 4000 4000
Northcutt E J 3 3000 2868 5868
Northcutt S T. 3
Northcutt S. D. 3
Northcutt William 3
Norton Benjamin 3
Norvell Thomas 3 365 365
Nowell B T pd 150 150
OBrien John pd 1200 1462 2662
Ogden Samuel 3 400 400
Olds M D F 3 300 550 850
Olmsdale Gustavus pd 175 100 275
OReardan Jeff 3
ORegan Peter pd 200 2000 2200
Osburn James 3 400 400
Paden C C pd 1100 125 1225
Paden T H 3 250 500 750
Page Simson 3 400 300 700
Pardee John 3 1300 1800 3100
Parker Thomas 3
Parris Cal & Co 6 960 1060 2020
Parsley William 3 500 500
Paupet Eugene 3
Peebles J. F. 3 400 400
Peek Ezra 3
Pelt Frank pd
Pennington William 3 1600 270 1870
Perkins D F 3 210 210
Perkins Thomas 3 150 835 985
Pernell John 3
Pernell William pd 1600 1295 2895
Peterson Charles 3 150 50 200
Peterson Charles 3
Peterson John 3
Peterson M 3
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 15
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Peterson Thomas 3
Phillips C A 3 100 100
Phillips David 3 575 825 1400
Pierce M T 3 1000 1000
Pierce William 3
Pinkham G 3
Pitts Stephen 3 100 980 1080
Pixley Calvin 3 500 500
Pixley Hiram 3 1200 460 1660
Pixley Walter 3 800 800
Plessner C M 3 400 400
Post J. D. 3 2900 500 3400
Pott B R 3 300 300
Potter Edwin 3 1200 1090 2290
Poulnous August 3
Powell J L 3 1600 902 2502
Priestley W D 3 250 250
Prindle J 3 1200 1200
Prosser Thomas 3 1000 275 1275
Provolt William 3 1500 1500
Pulliam William 3
Putney F F 3 475 475
Pyburn Elijah 3 350 350
Qualk John 3
Rainsford John 3
Ramsdale William 3
Ramsey A pd
Randall Jesse 3 100 100
Randall P A 3
Randall W J pd
Rapp Joseph 3
Rathbum Sidney 3
Ray John pd
Recopht August pd
Reed P pd
Reed Thomas 3
Rhinehart W 3
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 16
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Richardson Daniel 3
Rictor W 3
Rigby George 3
Riggs J. W. 3
Risdon John A 3 500 300 800
Roberts Chatham 3 1600 2775 4375
Roberts Stephen 3
Robinson Frank 3
Robinson G W 3 100 714 814
Robinson T E pd
Robinson William 3 600 600
Rodgers Frank pd 800 800
Rodgers John 3 500 500
Rodgers William pd 1100 1100
Rofz Walter 3 2300 2300
Rooney Henry 3
Rooney Pat 3
Rose Francis 3
Rose Fred pd
Ross W. W 3 3200 830 4030
Rowe J P pd
Rowley Henry 3 280 280
Rowley L. H. 3 3200 2820 6020
Ruchman Sam 3 1000 200 1200
Rufsell F 3
Ryder Henry 3
Samm Daniel pd 800 200 1000
Sanders Charles & Co 6 780 780
Saniford Frank 3
Sargint John pd 2000 2000
Savage Doct. 300 300
Saver Philip pd
Sawyer L W. 3 11000 7000 18000
Sawyer William 3 1500 500 2000
Scott R L 3 1500 1760 3260
Seebert H L 3
Shields William pd
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 17
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Shoble Henry 3
Short C. R. 3 400 400
Short J W 3
Shough A 3 200 200
Shough D. M. 3
Shouttuz William pd 225 225
Sibley H 1000 345 1345
Sibly James 3 100 100
Sibly Samuel 3
Simmons George 3 500 90 590
Simmons J. T. 3 100 100
Simmons Walter 3 1000 500 1500
Skinner Charles 3 100 100
Slack John 3 1000 1000
Sloan J R 3 200 2995 3195
Smith A pd
Smith Charles pd
Smith G. S. 3
Smith J L pd
Smith J S. 3 200 180 380
Smith J. W M. 3 300 300
Smith Jessie 3
Smith John 3
Smith John S. D. 3 800 400 1200
Smith Joseph 3 100 180 280
Smith W B 3 1250 1250
Smith William M 3 800 500 1300
Snively J. W. 3
Snowden F M 3
Snyder H 3
Solomen Jacob 3
Southworth E D 3
Southworth J B 3 1550 1550
Southworth Thomas 3
Spare A H 3 2000 1960 3960
Spear J G 3
Sprauge C P 3 1500 125 1625
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 18
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Springer William 3 750 370 1120
Starr J. W. 3 180 180
Starr W W 3
Steers John 3 1200 2800 4000
Stemons James 3
Stephens R. pd 225 225
Stevens A B 3 1600 1515 3115
Stevens A O 3 1000 1902 2902
Stidell Ed pd 700 700
StJohn James pd 500 500
Stout W S 3
Sutherland William 3 2500 1437 3937
Swan Mary 2500 2500
Tanner C S 3 1600 285 1885
Taylor & Morris 6 1400 1400
Taylor & Wood pd 3000 3000
Taylor Augustus 3
Taylor Eli 3 650 420 1070
Taylor John 3
Taylor John 3
Taylor S R 3
Thomas John 3 1620 1475 3095
Thomas John C 3
Thompson John pd 289 289
Thompson Peter pd 900 900
Thompson T Henry 3
Thompson William 3
Thompson Wm           Erata Posted 65
Thorpe F. B. 3 1000 1000
Thrasher George 3
Thurston C pd 500 500
Tierney Daniel 3
Tincher William 3 250 250
Tininen John pd 160 160
Tnimby Joseph pd
Todd G L 3
Todd Thomas 3
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 19
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
Toland E. T. pd 100 100
Rowe Benjamin 3 600 4500 5100
Trimble Samuel 3 1200 400 1600
Trunbull James pd
Tuffs J P 3 2200 3175 5375
Turner A P 3 200 200
Turner C A 3 120 730 850
Turner James pd
Turpin W J 3 440 440
Twogood J H & Co 6 2500 2035 4535
Tyrrell Patrick 3
Vannoy J. N. 3 5330 3620 8950
Vincent J K. 3
Vining G T 3 1200 2275 3475
Wakefield Henry 3
Walker A L 3 1000 2225 3225
Walker W R 3 1000 1000
Wallace W T 3 710 710
Wallace William 3
Walls Ed 3
Walls Joshua 3
Walls Leander 3
Walls Williams 3
Ward John pd 125 125
Warmer John 3
Warner Osmam pd 300 300
Waters Abner 3 600 5247 5847
Waters John 3 180 180
Watkins W H 3 2200 1580 3780
Wattles C C 3
Weare Orin 3 250 590 840
Weaver Peter 3 480 1440 1920
Westerdale James 3
Weston J C 3 650 650
Weston J C. Agent (Sailor Diggings) 1000 35935 36935
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 20
Total Value
Pole Real of All
Names Tax Estate Personality Property
White G W 3 550 550
White J E pd 810 810
White Job 3 300 300
White Samuel 3 2200 800 3000
Wiggins H C 3 500 100 600
Wilkins William pd
Williams G W 3 475 475
Williams H A 3 100 100
Williams Richard 3 400 400
Willis August pd
Willis G W 3 400 400
Wilson Gustof 3 4200 4200
Wilson Thomas pd
Wilson W T 3
Winburn J. O. 200 200
Wingent John pd 290 290
Winklebeck Elias pd
Witt J V R & Co 3 100 2900 3000
Wittermeyer C 3
Wolcutt W A pd 300 385 685
Woody A J 3 1000 250 1250
Woody James 300 794 1094
Woody Lathan 3
Yarnell Jerry 3 300 300 600
Young John 3 425 425
Zeller Henry pd 700 300 1000
Zumwalt B pd
259770 378280 638050
Assessment Roll Josephine Co Oregon 1860 21
Total Total Total Value
Value Real Value of  All Property
Estate Personality
243370 387457 630827
Whole Amt of Poll Tax Received is 429$
         I hereby certify that the foregoing
Assessment of Josephine Co for the year 1860
is a true copy.
Wm. Jacoby
Assessor of Josephine County Oregon