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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Hunahs Volunteers at Work
2005 Applegate Trail Re-enactment
05/14/05 - Applegate Field Trip at Mt. Sexton
2005 Voluntary Well Monitoring
2005 Reunion
Field Trip - Applegate Trail
Photos - Hugo History Day IV
Photos - Hugo History Day V
Photos - Hugo History Day VI
Photos - Hugo History Day VII
Photos - Hugo History Day VIII
Photos - Hugo History Day IX
Photos - Hugo History Day X
Photos - Hugo History Day XI
Mt. Sexton Lookout Field Trip



Stones & Bones
Pleasant Valley Cemetery & Hugo Granite Tombstone Quarry

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    Hal Anthony & Jon Whalen Goofing Off                             Mike Walker - Hugo Granite Tombstone Quarry


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Leon Hunsaker and gang sing the Hugo Song "Where is Hugo?"

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         Jean Boling - Pleasant Valley Cemetery                                         Leon Hunsaker sings his song

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     Jacque Hardwick - the Raffle Queen                                Flag Ceremony at the Pleasant Valley Cemetery


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                 Young Marines - Flag Ceremony                            Lynn Snell of the Living History Players
                                                                                                                as Eva Barrett


Roger Ramsey of the Living History Players                         Cindy English of the Living History Players
                      as Joe Dysert                                                      as Eurydica Trimble Crockett      

Roger Ramsey (far right) is the great grandson of Joe Dysert


Janice Madding & Pat Neylan in foreground                              Wayne McKy at the far right

Hanging Out in the Cemetery

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© 2012 Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society