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Hugo Neighborhood Association & Historical Society

Old Sexton House
1908 Hugo Students
Old Pacific Highway
Ludwick Family
Three Pines School
Quartz Creek School
Mt. Sexton Lookout
WildWood Service Station & Auto Court
Oxyoke Service Station
Hick's Auto Camp / Court Conway's
Mt. Sexton Garage & Auto Camp



Mt. Sexton Garage is seen on the left and the auto camp is on the right of the photo below.  It was located at the corner of Oxyoke Road and Hugo Road in Hugo, Oregon. (old U.S. 99)  It was constructed on land which was part of the Hiram Niday Donation Land Claim.  Art Erickson built and ran the Mt. Sexton Auto Camp from 1924 - 1942.  It had an early telephone, automobile garage, cottages, general store, and was the center of much community activity.

(Material courtesy of Mike Walker)

The Grants Pass Bulletin, February 6, 1931:

"Tuesday as two young men were on their way to British Columbia driving north over Sexton Mountain they came in contact with a freight truck which demolished their car.  Erickson's wrecker was sent for and they brought it to Erickson's garage.  The boys resumed their journey by stage."

The Grants Pass Bulletin, June 19, 1931:

"Mrs. Figole of San Pedro, Cal. is staying at the Mt. Sexton Auto Camp several days while her Essex coupe is being repaired.  Last Saturday her car skidded on the wet pavement and plunged across the ditch into the bank.  They had to have some new parts, causing delay.  The lady had some severe bruises.  She was on her way to Bremerton, Washington where Mrs. Figole had previously gone by sea."

The Grants Pass Bulletin, February 24, 1933:

"The ladies circle met last Thursday with Mrs. Erickson at Mt. Sexton Auto Camp.  Twenty-six ladies were present.   A quilt was made for the Red Cross and plans of contribution to relief work were discussed."

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